Kaleb shrugged. “I knew what I wanted once I pulled my head out of my ass. Tanner just wants to right some wrongs. His romantic relationship with Hannah is over, but I get why he wants to make things right.”
Devon eyed me with a knowing look. “Is it really over?” he asked, the question hanging in the air ominously.
When Kaleb’s questioning gaze landed on me, too, I started to feel a little cornered.
I was a man who always liked to be in control.
But my brothers knew exactly how to put me on the spot.
They’d been doing it since we were born.
“What do you want me to say?” I asked impatiently. “Hannah was done with me a long time ago.”
“But are you done with her?” Devon probed.
“I can’t rewind what happened,” I growled. “Hell, I wish I could, but I can’t.”
“Mistakes can be forgiven,” Kaleb disagreed. “It might take time and patience, but none us are the same men that we were when we were building this business like it was the only thing that mattered. You just need to prove to her that you’re still the same guy she fell for years ago. She’s not married or involved with someone else, so you have a shot. I guess you’re the only person who can decide if all that work is worth it to you. If youstill have feelings for Hannah and she doesn’t end up feeling the same way, it might be hell on you.”
“She’s worth it,” I answered without hesitation, my voice raw with emotion. “She was always worth it.”
“Then be a pain in her ass until she forgives you,” Devon suggested. “You’re pretty good at that.”
“It might not work out,” Kaleb warned. “It’s been seven years. You might find out that your feelings have changed or that her feelings have changed. But if I was in this situation with Anna, I’d have to know there was zero chance of us getting back together before I gave up.”
“I don’t plan on giving up,” I told my brothers. “But I can’t jump ahead of myself and think about anything else but regaining her trust right now.”
“That should be your first priority,” Kaleb agreed.
“She can be stubborn when she wants to be,” Devon said. “I still think you’re going to have to wear her down. If she basically told you to screw off about the partnership, then you’ll have to be charming and persistent.”
“I’m not a charming guy,” I grumbled.
“But you definitely know how to be persistent,” he said with a grin. “And she must have thought you were charming at one time. She was crazy about you.”
“I was lucky,” I answered grumpily. “My college education was the only thing I had going for me when we first met. I wasn’t wealthy, and I definitely wasn’t charming. Persistence was the only thing I had.”
Devon was the Remington who could charm women easily.
I’d been serious, goal oriented, and introverted, even as a much younger man.
It probably wasn’t surprising that I’d gravitated toward someone who was my complete opposite.
Hannah had fascinated me from the very beginning.
She always worked extremely hard, but she’d known when it was time to quit and pay attention to what was important to her.
Most of the time,I’dbeen what was important to her.
I’d soaked in her sweetness and attention like a damn sponge.
And I’d fallen for her so fast and so hard that it had made my head spin.
“She never cared that you weren’t rich,” Kaleb answered. “She cared about you.”
“She also thought you were the hottest guy on the planet, which I personally never understood,” Devon joked. “But you could use that to your advantage if you decide you want a romantic relationship with her.”
I couldn’t be pissed off at Devon for that comment because I’d never understood it, either, but I’d always felt like the luckiest asshole on the planet because Hannah had felt that way.