There were good things and bad things about Crystal Fork, but overall, the heart of this town was good.
There were a lot of people like Silas and Charlie here.
I just wished those other people were always as openminded and as observant as they were most of the time.
“I’d better get going,” I told her as I took my dishes to the dishwasher and loaded them. “You have to get ready to go out, and I told Tanner that I’d head out to his place around eleven.”
Mom turned to me. “Have fun, and don’t overthink this whole situation with Tanner. I know this move from Seattle back to Crystal Fork hasn’t been easy for you, Hannah. I want you to have friends. I want you to have fun. I just want you to be happy.”
I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her, grateful that this woman was my mother.
I leaned back and kissed her cheek. “I’m happy,” I told her honestly. “I have you here. It’s just taking some time for me to adjust.”
Mom patted my cheek gently. “You need more than just your mother. Try to be nice to Tanner and give him a chance. I’m not defending what he did or how he acted, but we all make some stupid mistakes sometimes.”
I stepped back and scooped up my keys and my purse from the kitchen counter. “Are you saying I should forgive him?”
“Maybe not yet,” she mused. “But maybe you could give him a shot at proving himself. It seems like he’s trying awfully hard to make things up to you.”
My mother had always adored Tanner, so her suggestion didn’t really surprise me.
“It’s just a bike ride and a day in each other’s company,” I reminded her. “I’m not saying we can actually be friends.”
“You won’t know unless you try it out,” she said softly. “Just…be careful.”
“I’m always careful,” I said with a smile. “I’ll stop into Sweet Mornings before I go to my appointment tomorrow. Call me if you need help. And no more trying to set me up to see Tanner again.”
“No need,” she said saucily as she headed for her bedroom. “That plan already worked out extremely well. You and Tanner have been seen together, and people will realize that the two of you have no hard feelings. That gossip will spread fast.”
I let out an exasperated breath, but I was smiling as I headed out the door.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to do something?” Hannah asked as she lazed on a lounger on the patio. “I feel a little guilty that you’re doing all of the work.”
She had a cocktail in her hand, and she looked more relaxed than she had earlier during our ride on the trails.
Hell, no, I didn’t want her to get up and start working.
She was a gorgeous sight right now in a pair of ass hugging jeans and a fall sweater crop top that molded to her curves, basking in the sun on my patio.
It had been a nice, sunny day, and ridiculously warm for this time of year in Montana.
I wasn’t complaining. Some years, we’d already had our first snow here by this time already, but this area of Montana was always full of surprises when it came to the weather.
We could have a blizzard one day and Chinook winds that thawed some of that snow the following day.
But for now, we could enjoy the outdoors.
I was ready to put the steaks on the grill, and I’d taken the easy way out and bought some side dishes from the deli at the grocery store.
There was nothing else that needed to be done for dinner, and watching Hannah was quickly becoming my favorite hobby.
It was probably going to turn my balls blue, but I was willing to endure that small discomfort just to see her here in this house.
It did feel a little strange that this was the place where she was always meant to live, but she was simply a visitor today.
Fuck!I’d made so many mistakes with Hannah, and I couldn’t help but feel every emotion that knowledge brought from a place I hadn’t realized existed inside me.