I was a makeup and hair expert, so I was done in record time.

I put on a light, floral perfume, which was my favorite.

Heavy scents made my eyes water, so I stuck with something that fit my personal style.

When I was finished, I surveyed myself in the mirror.

Mission accomplished.

I looked nice, but not like I was trying to impress anyone.

I slipped on a birthstone ring that I had bought myself in Seattle.

When I’d left Tanner, I’d left my engagement ring and any other jewelry he’d given me at our apartment.

My finger had felt so bare that I’d bought an inexpensive ring for myself to replace the diamond I’d left behind.

“I’m ready,” I said aloud as I turned away from the mirror to get my purse and a fleece jacket in case I needed it.

I wasn’t sure I was ready to sit across from Tanner at a bar, but I was trying to be optimistic.

Something in my belly fluttered as I thought about looking at him and hearing his sexy voice earlier in the day.

I hated that there was still some lingering attraction there for me.

Then again, why wouldn’t there be?

There were very few women who could meet a guy like Tanner andnotbe physically attracted to him.

With his stunning blue eyes and his very large, hot body, he was a hard man not to notice.

The chemistry between the two of us was always off the charts, even if our communication did suck at the end of our relationship.

It was probably perfectly normal that he didn’t leave me completely unmoved now.

“You can do this, Hannah,” I said to myself encouragingly. “It’s just a drink. Things ended with Tanner a long time ago.”

So many years had passed.

I’d made a new life for myself in Seattle. A very successful and fulfilling life.

I was a much different woman than I’d been when Tanner and I were together.

I wasn’t as young or as naïve as I had been back then.

I also wasn’t afraid of standing up for myself anymore.

I’d found myself in Seattle, and I’d never be afraid to speak my mind or put up with giving everything and getting very little back ever again.

I grabbed my phone from the kitchen and noticed that it was nearly eight.

I might be a little late because I was walking to The Mug And Jug.

As I left my apartment, I didn’t feel guilty about being behind schedule.

I’d waited for Tanner Remington to look up and see me for a long time.

He could wait a few minutes for me.