She’d always been there for me while KTD was growing in New York.

There had been times when she’d come home from a long shift at work, and then get dressed up to go wherever I needed her to be as my date while I was climbing the ladder on Wall Street.

She’d mademycareer her priority, but when had I been there to support her hopes and dreams?

Hannah and I had been together for so long that I hadn’t appreciated all of the things she’d done to build my career.

“When Dad died,” I said slowly. “I realized how much I’d always taken for granted.”

It had never occurred to me that he could suddenly die one day from a heart attack and not be there anymore.

My father’s death had been a punch to the gut for me and for my brothers.

Since then, we’d all learned a huge lesson about letting our company rule our lives.

Mom reached out and gently touched my forearm. “You’ve all changed, and I’m grateful for that. I’m proud of all of you, and I know you have good hearts. You just got lost in yourphenomenal success for a while. Everyone makes mistakes, Tanner. Don’t beat yourself up forever for that.”

“I lost track of the fact that Hannah was my entire life,” I drawled. “I’d say that was a pretty huge mistake.”

“It’s not about the mistakes we make in life, Tanner. It’s what we do about them after that mistake is made that matters.”

She was right, and I was going to fix this situation as soon as possible.

Hannah needed to be treated right in this town, and I was going to make damn sure that happened.

“Has she gotten a job yet?” I asked my mother. Obviously, she knew far more about Hannah’s life than I did.

That was another thing I was going to resolve as soon as possible.

“Tina has been treating her like dirt,” my mother answered sadly. “But I’m not sure she’d go back there anyway. Joy said that she’s doing freelance jobs right now. Most of them are out of the area since she isn’t highly regarded here in Crystal Fork. She had a very successful business in Seattle. A partnership with two other cosmetologists. They went to the clients for events, most of them large weddings for some very important people. Those three girls built up quite a reputation. Joy said they were so busy that they took on contractors to do different events across the state. Hannah sold her third of the partnership to move back here to Crystal Fork, so I don’t think she’s hurting financially. I’m sure that wasn’t an easy decision for her, but being close to her mother was her priority after Joy’s heart attack.”

I wasn’t surprised that she’d made that choice. The Hannah I’d known had always put other people first.

I also wasn’t shocked that she’d been incredibly successful in Seattle.

Hannah was highly intelligent and hardworking. One of her biggest assets was her ability to connect with people.

She was also very capable of being a savvy businesswoman.

Unfortunately, I’d never put as much faith in her as she’d always put in me.

But obviously she’d thrived just fine without my support.

“I know that look, Tanner,” my mother said in a teasing voice. “What are you thinking?”

I grinned at her. “I’m thinking it’s time for Hannah and me to become friends. I hate the fact that people in this town need my approval to treat her right, but if that’s what it takes, I’ll happily do it.”

Mom sent me a doubtful look. “That might not be as easy as you think. She’s going to be wary.”

I shrugged. “Then I guess I’ll just have to prove to her that I’ve changed.”

Truthfully, Ihadchanged.

I knew what my priorities were now.

Yeah, I still worked hard at our offices in Billings every day, but I knew when to stop working and pay attention to what was really important.

My brothers and I owned one of the biggest holding companies in the world, and we were all billionaires.