“Better,” I said emphatically.

Tanner and I might never forget our past, and I’d decided I really didn’t want to forget all of it.

We’d spent so many good years together.

But we had put the bad parts behind us now.

“Are you feeling okay?” he asked.

He’d asked that question more than once today.

He was still a little anxious about taking me far away when I was pregnant, but he wasn’t quite as panicked as he’d been two months ago.

My morning sickness was gone.

My energy levels were just as good as they’d been before my pregnancy.

And I felt pretty fantastic compared to the beginning of my pregnancy.

I looked up and met his gaze. “I feel fabulous, and I’ve never been this happy in my entire life. We’re married, we’re on our way to a honeymoon in Australia, and we’re going to have a child.”

It was still hard to believe how much my life had changed in a pretty short period of time.

“I think you’re almost as excited about this trip as you were about our wedding,” Tanner said as he winked at me.

God, I loved this man.

I knew he still had his reservations about this honeymoon, but he was going to do everything possible not to spoil my excitement.

“We’ve wanted to take this trip for well over a decade,” I explained. “It feels almost surreal that we’re actually going now. Honestly, everything feels surreal to me right now, Tanner. We’re actually married.”

“Thank fuck!” he said emphatically. “I think this has been the longest two months of my entire life. It wasn’t easy knowing that you were pregnant with my child and we weren’t married yet.”

“You wanted to be married because I was pregnant?” I teased, knowing full well exactly why Tanner had wanted to marry me.

“I wanted to be married because I wanted you to be mine,” he corrected. “But you being pregnant made it even worse, which I didn’t think was even possible.”

I smiled. “I think I’ve been yours since the day we met. I couldn’t imagine being married to anyone else.”

Tanner adjusted our bodies until I was on my back, his warm body covering mine. “You’ve always been the only woman I’ve ever loved, Hannah,” he said solemnly as he looked down at me. “Now that we’re married, you’re stuck with me. I’m never letting you go.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I’ve loved you almost my entire adult life, Tanner. You’ve always been my everything. Do you think I’m crazy enough to let you go? Did I tell you that you’re the hottest man on the planet today?”

His solemn expression suddenly transformed into a wicked grin. “Yeah, but it doesn’t hurt to hear it again.”

I moved my body against his suggestively. “How about if I just show you how hot I think you are.”

I could feel how hard he was, and my body was aching to be intimately connected to him.

“Hannah,” he growled in that warning voice I adored. “It’s been a long day for you. You need to rest.”

He’d gotten over his hesitations about making love to me because I was pregnant, but he was still incredibly protective about my well-being.

“I’m not the least bit tired,” I argued.

“I’m trying to be considerate,” he said in a voice that told me his control was slipping.

“And I’m trying to seduce you,” I answered, amused.