There was a large center stone surrounded by small stones that looked like the petals of a flower, and those stones were entirely set in platinum.

Tanner took the ring from the box, and tossed the box aside. “I’m doing this right this time, with your ring. Marry me, Hannah?”

I looked into his eyes, and my heart skittered from the romantic gesture and the sincerity in his eyes.

I didn’t say that I’d already saidyes.

I didn’t mention that we were already planning that wedding and the honeymoon.

I also didn’t bother to remind him that we were already living together.

I fell into his heartfelt, beautiful gaze and whispered, “Yes. You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted, Tanner.”

After he put the ring on my finger, I threw myself into his arms, my damn emotions all over the place. “Thank you,” I said before I kissed him.

The embrace was slow and thorough, a silent promise to spend the rest of our lives loving each other.

“Don’t thank me,” he insisted huskily after he’d released my lips. “I just got exactly what I wanted. My ring on your finger.”

I nuzzled his neck as I answered, “Take me to bed, Tanner, and I’ll get exactly what I want, too.”

It had been a week since we’d had that hot sex in his office.

Tanner had been incredibly supportive about my pregnancy and uber protective, but he hadn’t touched me sexually since he’d gotten the news that I was pregnant.

For some reason, he was afraid he’d hurt me if we had sex, even though the doctor had assured him that wasn’t the case.

“You’re sick and fatigued right now, Hannah,” he said gruffly.

I nipped his ear. “I’m only a little nauseated in the morning, and I’m not that fatigued. My hormones are raging, and I want you, Tanner.”

I reached down and stroked his rampant erection.

It wasn’t the fact that Tanner didn’t want me because I was pregnant.

He was afraid he’d somehow hurt me if he fucked me while I was pregnant, even though his rational mind knew better.

“Fuck!” he cursed as he gripped my ass. “Do you think I don’t want you, too, Hannah? But I fucked you like a caveman in my office, and you were pregnant.”

“And it was incredibly orgasmic,” I told him softly. “I’d like a repeat performance please. I’m not going to break, Tanner. I’m exactly the same woman in the same condition I was a week ago, and I’m fine.”

“I have zero control when it comes to you,” he said hoarsely.

“And I love it when you lose control,” I said seductively as I lowered the zipper of his pants.

I loved this man more than I could ever put into words, and I really needed him to take me to bed so I could show him just how much I loved him.

“Hannah,” he said with a groan this time. “Are you going to make me crazy like this for the rest of our lives?”

“That’s the plan,” I said with a smile.

He scooped me up into his arms. “Just remember that you asked for it,” he said as he carried me toward the stairs. “I’ll try to keep things under control.”

I let out a delighted laugh as he carried me up the stairs and to our bedroom.

His attempt to keep his control failed miserably.

And I loved every single moment of it.