Certainly, a guy couldn’t say he wanted to get married one moment and then decide to blow me off a few moments later.
Tanner cared about me.
Iwascertain about that.
“He’ll get over it,” Reese said. “Men are idiots sometimes. I’m sure he was disappointed, but I have to say that wasn’t the way to show it. He probably thought you were breaking up with him.”
“How can he possibly not know that he’s my entire life now,” I said adamantly. “I love him. I’ve always loved him.”
“Take my word for it,” Reese replied. “Men can be incredibly dense when it comes to emotions sometimes. They react before they think. Everything will be okay, Hannah. That man loves you. He’ll come to his senses. He’s definitely a keeper, even if he does make mistakes sometimes. He spoils you, and he’s always there to help with Glam Anywhere without intruding on your business. I’ve seen you two together a lot. He worships the ground you walk on. If I wasn’t your friend, I’d probably be jealous. I have no idea what it’s like to be with a guy like that.”
I smiled at her. “You’re young. You’ll meet someone someday.”
She shook her head, her eyes a little panicked. “Not interested. I’m not dating.”
I knew that, but I wasn’t sure why.
Reese was twenty-eight, not that much older than I’d been when Tanner and I had broken up.
She was certainly a lot more mature and together than I’d been at her age.
The woman was also gorgeous, and if not for her standoffish attitude with men, they’d be falling all over her.
“Do you want to hit The Mug And Jug with me after work?” I asked. “I could probably use a cocktail.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Reese said carefully.
My eyes widened. “Why?”
She let out a deep breath. “Hannah, has it ever occurred to you that you could be…pregnant? The signs are all there. The morning nausea. The emotional reactions because your hormones are raging. And you said you missed your period about ten days ago.”
Stunned, I stared at Reese, my mind whirling. “That’s not possible. I’m on birth control, Reese.”
She nodded. “Yes, but you had that viral gastroenteritis not that long ago. You vomited almost everything you put into your system for at least two days. Is it possible you threw up more than one or two pills? You’re usually safe if you miss one, but two is iffy, and three or more is usually a problem.”
My mind flew back to that time that I’d had a short stomach flu.
I’d only been sick for two days, but the brief illness had started the night before, right after I’d taken my birth control pill.
For the next two days, I had thrown up most of what I’d put into my stomach. Once that virus had passed, I’d felt perfectly fine.
God, not once had I considered that I could be pregnant, and my mind still couldn’t quite accept the possibility. “I’m really irregular sometimes even though I’m on birth control,” I rationalized.
“I bought a pregnancy test when I went out for lunch because I suspected you could be pregnant,” Reese replied. “There’s onlyone way to find out. It’s been ten days since your missed period. It will be accurate.”
I nodded. “I guess I need to know.”
Honestly, it probablywaspossible.
Unfortunately, I’d never even thought about it when I was sick.
Tanner and I probably should have used an alternate method of birth control.
“How is it that a woman who has never had to deal with pregnancy knows so much about it?” I asked Reese.
She shot me a smile. “I guess I’m a sponge when it comes to soaking in useless knowledge and facts.”
With that, she went to retrieve the test from her purse. She watched with me a few minutes later as we waited for the results, both of us leaning over my desk, our eyes glued to that pregnancy test.