Page 89 of Ruthless Beasts

“This is the event center, if you haven’t noticed. Further down are the casinos, but I’ll show you on a different day. It’s illegal to have children there.” He tapped my stomach.

I rolled my eyes, feeling a little prissy. “Har har har.”

“Is our princess a little bitter? I thought my joke was funny.” He beamed, his smile so wide that it was nearly painful not to crack and smile back in response.

Still, I kept a straight face when I responded, “I think you’d be bitter too if positions were reversed. I ache, Ace, and you did that on purpose.”

“Honey, if you want to reverse positions, I’d gladly drop my pants right here.”

“If we’re reversing positions, I’d be leaving you wanting.”

Ace stepped closer. “And that’s what you are? Wanting?”

“You know I am.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“You’re a needy little thing, aren’t you?” His eyes roamed my face, touching every part of me and seeing into my soul.

I held strong. “I wouldn’t be wanting if you’d kept your hands to yourself.”

A devilish smile took over his face before he laughed. “Where’s the fun in that?” His hand grabbed mine, interlocking our fingers. “Come on, we’ve got a hotel to tour. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

I will admit, he was right. I wasn’t disappointed. My men were creative and smart, having come up with the concept and the layout themselves. They had some investors, who Ace said he pitched the deal to himself, and they somehow landed what I imagine would be the area's biggest attraction in years to come.

It was a casino, which was Adam’s specialty. But it was also a place for families to come and spend time. Maybe the idea derived from these men’s need to create a family experience they never had, and that was heartbreaking. But they did well, and for that, I was so fucking proud of them.

There was a kid zone, a massive warehouse size building, packed with everything a kid could want. Ball pits, playhouses, trampolines, tunnels… it was a kids' dream. Daily daycare was an option for their guests, though he assured me that our child would never step foot in the daycare facility; they wouldn’t allow it. He explained that by next summer, they would have a row of artisan restaurants and would break ground on a mini water park. They had big dreams for this vacation resort. Dreams that included a mini shopping mall within the next five years.

The state-of-the-art gym was an athlete's dream. Not only did it have a heated pool, all the latest equipment, and come with a free sports bottle, but it had a sauna. What I wouldn’t give to relax in one of those for five minutes, though the mere mention of it caused Ace to huff in outrage. Not while his daughter was inside me.

The tour of the guests’ rooms was quicker, but no less impressive. With rooms coming standard with a mini fridge, courtesy snack basket, and coffeemaker, there wasn’t much more a person could ask for. The beds were soft, the decoration dreamy, and the bathroom was so luxurious that I almost wanted to book a night just to get one of the free robes.

“When the water park is finished, we’ll add some family cottages that include a full mini kitchen. We understand the importance of bonding over cooking and eating meals together. The goal here is that a family doesn’t need to leave our facility to have all they want. Everything possible would be right here at their fingertips, in one place.”

Eating together was the most important daily ritual for these men, even before I entered their lives. I could understand why they’d want to offer the experience to others. “Oh, could we stay in a cottage?”

He gave me aget reallook. “Bellamy, if you just ask, we could build you one that is not a rental to guests. That way you could come here as much as you wanted. Actually, I’m texting the others now. This is a fantastic idea for the family.”

Wow! They sure take things to the extreme. “I’m okay with just a cottage stay, Ace.”

“I think it will be good for us. We could come visit you and the children if we have a few minutes and you will be on our property but still be able to explore outside the house.” He was nodding his head to himself as he typed, as if he had sold himself on the idea, and I honestly didn’t think I could change his mind. When he was done texting, he twined our fingers together again. “I know this tour has been long and you’re probably tired, but before I return you back to the gala, I had one more thing I wanted to show you.“

I honestly didn’t want to go back to the gala. I liked this private time exploring with Ace, and though I enjoyed dressing up and becoming the literal Belle of the ball, I was becoming overwhelmed by meeting people. I felt like we spent way too long greeting strangers, to where we couldn’t even move more than five feet without getting stopped. My men were popular, and I wondered how many of these people here tonight knew the other, more bloody side of them and opted to turn a blind eye.

"Are you going to tell me what it is?” I gave him my most charming grin, though it had no effect on him. It never did. He could be like an unwavering pillar sometimes.

“Where’s the fun in that?”

While I pretended to pout, he led me down a hallway vacant of any doors toward an elevator. He stopped in front of the door,using a keycard and a series of numbers to open it. After we stepped in and the door shut, I asked, “What did you type in?”

“Your birthday.”

“Excuse me?” I stuttered, and it occurred to me I didn’t know any of their birthdays.

“It’s my personal passcode.”

“I never told you my birthday.” Though it seemed odd to even have this conversation after the things we all had shared.

“You didn’t need to tell us, Bellamy. You never told me your middle name, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t know it was Rose.”