Page 52 of Ruthless Beasts

“Do you see them?” I rolled my eyes.

“Bruh, I can’t believe he did that with us right there.” He was smiling while shaking his head in disbelief.

“Don’t fucking call me bruh. Are you fifteen? And I’m pretty sure no one uses that term anymore.” I pulled out a chair, sitting in front of the formerly hot ham and cheese sandwich. “Why would he not? He said we could share.”

“I just always assumed he meant separately.” Mercer reached over, grabbing a chip from the bowl in the center of the table. “It was fucking hot.”

“It was…“ I let the words hang because damn it, I didn’t know how to describe what it was like to see my sister’s formerhusband consuming a girl's pussy, on display for me to watch. I didn’t know how to voice how much I liked the sight and how my only regret was I didn’t get to touch her too.

His eyes grew serious, knowing exactly what I was thinking, though. “There is no shame, not between us. You know that, right? This house has only the rules we create.”

“Except—“ My argument was cut off.

“Except you feel guilty for wanting what wasn’t yours to begin with. But guess what? I kissed her, and she fucking kissed me back. Do you think that’s a sign that she doesn’t want us too?”

“You,” I clarified. “Not me.”

“Bullshit.” He laughed. “You think she doesn’t watch you when your back is turned? Decoding all that shit you keep guarded. When we showed her that video a few weeks ago, do you know what she whispered under her breath when she felt panicked? You. She wished you were there. She didn’t want Adam. Or me. She wanted you.”

That made no sense. She barely liked me most of the time, right? We were just now becoming friends. “You must have misheard?”

“I didn’t. You made her less panicked at the doctor and she remembered that. She feels safe with you,” he pressed on. “Are you going to join us?”


The word was so fucking heavy. Was there even room for me? What could a girl like her, with her innocent perfection, want with three men? Did she even want one of us, let alone three?

I was about to ask when Adam’s voice broke in as they walked into the room. “We’re working from home the rest of today. We’ve got that project to finish.”

He rose a brow, speaking to us with his eyes instead of his words. That project was filling our existing library with all thesmut our girl could want, before gifting it to her. But he didn’t want to give the surprise away. He’d had boxes and boxes of books delivered, all handpicked by his secretary, and I could assume it was almost done. How many more books could a human own? Two weeks in and the books kept coming.

“I’ll contact the floor manager. Let him know not to expect any of us this evening,” Mercer confirmed.

“No need. My secretary is handling it.” Adam pulled out a chair next to Mercer and Bellamy sat down, looking nervous as she wore Adam’s shirt, which went to her knees.

“The new dress looks good on you, little girl.” Mercer’s eyes heated as he looked at her legs. “Wear mine next.”

Her eyes went wide at his bold order, and I wondered if Adam had talked to her at all about what he intended to happen in this house. I doubted it. I leaned forward on an elbow before pushing the plate toward her. “Bellamy, has your husband talked to you at all about what he intends for his household?”

She glanced at Adam, the motion quick and fearful, like she was afraid to speak against him. Hadn’t she realized she was nothing but protected in this house? Still, after an inner battle, she squared her shoulders, looking more confident than I am sure she felt. “My husband and I rarely talk.”

Adam winced, but he couldn’t deny the truth behind that statement. I’d witnessed all the creative ways the big, bad leader of organized crime could avoid his little wife. He got crafty. But something told me he no longer planned to avoid her. In fact, if I had to guess, his new plan was to flaunt the pretty little thing, worship her, own the oddly-formed relationship.

Was one taste that good, that even a man like Adam would weaken his defenses?

I wanted to believe nothing could weaken him, but a single glance told me different. He’d accepted his position as hers, and now he was going in full force, as he’d done with most things inhis life. And Mercer had no problem trailing him, picking up the scraps he left behind. But where did that leave me?

Adam cleared his throat, taking the spot next to her. Leaving me on one side of the table alone, while they united on the other. A separation that screamed loudly in the silent room. When Adam was settled, he reached forward, grabbing a sandwich off the plate, then adding chips. After he was sure she had everything she needed as well, he braved speaking.

“I’ve talked it over with Mercer and Ace, and if it’s alright with you, of course, I gave them permission to spend time with you. I can’t keep you safe alone, but with them, you’d always be protected.”

Her brows scrunched up so damn cute at her confusion. He was shit at explaining, but I would not do it for him. “I already spend time with them. You don’t have to explain.”

“I-I think you’re missing the point.” His eyes begged for help. I was going to let him flounder. He should have talked about his plans with her instead of us to start with. “We all spend time with you now. That’s correct. But if you want, I mean, I’d like to share you.”

“Share me?” She blinked.

“Like the novel on your bedside table.” Mercer spoke into his hand, trying to hide the fact he was giving her hints and helping Adam. The minute the knowledge became clear, her face turned scarlet. Mercer fed on her embarrassment. “Oh yeah, darling. I flipped through those pages. Does your husband know you read that smut?”