Page 101 of Ruthless Beasts

“What’s ready?” He laughed. “Only the project we’ve worked on for weeks and the whole reason Hannah and I have been distracting you all day.”

It wasn’t until he mentioned it that I realized theyhadbeen distracting me. It was subtle, and maybe that’s why it took so long to register. But they had hovered close by all day, keeping me distracted and not allowing me time to wonder about Ace and Adam.

“Go ahead, little one, open the door and see what’s inside.”

Subconsciously, I knew what was inside. Adam had shown me the door before and told me, if I wanted, he’d make it into a master suite. But the door was always closed and locked andI was never up here in the library when work was being done. I never asked questions.

My hands shook as I reached for the knob. It turned easily enough, the glass knob cool under my palm. When I pushed it open, a gasp escaped my lips. In front of me was the lushest sitting room I’d ever seen, with half circle shaped couches that faced each other around a round coffee table. I walked over, letting my fingers run over the expensive material of the furniture.

“Is this?—“

“There’s more,” Adam cut me off from a doorway to the left. I wasn’t sure how I missed him standing there when his body consumed the entire frame. Even knowing he was in here the whole time, the grandeur of the space had captured all my attention. He stepped forward, his fingers grasping mine as he pulled me toward the door. “If there is anything you don’t like, we can change it. Anything at all.”

“I can’t imagine not liking anything you three gift me.” I laughed as he arched a brow and squeezed my hand. Then his big body moved, and I was speechless. I wanted to say so many damn things, but I couldn’t get a single word out when all I could do was choke on sobs.

The room was perfect, the absolutely perfect size for my — no,our— little girl, decorated with grey walls, white furniture, and splashed with accents of roses. The crib bedding was a deep rose pink, with sheets that had the tiniest roses scattered over the surfaces. Right in the middle was a stuffed elephant.

I walked over, picking up the elephant and hugging it to my chest. Adam was at my side. “I know that doesn’t match, but Ace insisted.”

I found Ace against the wall and smiled. “She’s going to love it.” I looked at them all. “All of it.”

Ace pushed open the pink curtains. “She has a view of the rose garden.”

I peered out the window for a minute before Mercer stepped into the room. “And her closet has custom organization. It should go perfectly with her wardrobe.”

I stepped forward into the closet that Mercer had opened. Little outfits hung up already, along with a few little pairs of shoes on the shelf. “You guys… shopped for her?”

“We got a few things we liked, but honestly, we’d no clue what a baby needed besides the furniture the sales associate told us about. We figured you could order what was needed and maybe we could go into a boutique or two when we can.”

That they took it upon themselves to create this space for a child that didn’t even share their blood was touching. That they claimed her as their own and never once veered from the fact that she was theirs made the tears fall faster. They did this, all of this, for us, and they didn’t have to. They didn’t have to do anything at all for us, and yet from the day I was slung over Mercer’s shoulder and shoved into Adam’s car, all they’d ever done was give me the best that they could.

“We can return it if you don’t like it.” Ace seemed panicked at my tears and honestly, Mercer and Adam were no better, judging by their expressions.

“It’s not that.” I sniffed. “It’s just… you’ve done too much for me.”

Adam’s hand gripped my hip, and he pulled me toward him, kissing my forehead. His palm instantly went to the round bubble of my stomach. “Not close to enough. We’ve got something else.”

I couldn’t imagine what else they could have left to show me. They already created an extravagant sitting room and the most beautiful nursery. There was nothing more I could think of to add to such a gift like that. But when Ace stepped forward andtook my hand, I let him lead me out of the nursery and into the sitting room.

Adam and Mercer led the way, a smile toying on Mercer’s face the whole time. Adam approached the bookshelf. “I figured we’ll probably leave this open mostly, but we’ll get a baby monitor either way.”

“Leave what open?”

Adam didn’t answer with words, only fiddled with the bookcase until it swung open, revealing another room. When Ace pulled me forward, I silently followed, completely in awe of these men that I could call all mine. I stepped through an opening, revealing a bed that was the largest one I’d ever seen.

“It’s a struggle to fit on my bed downstairs.” Adam’s fingers brushed some of his hair back. “We’d hoped that this was okay.”

Was this okay? How could it not be? A space where all three of my men could worship me? It was absolutely perfect. Everything I could dream of was inside the walls of this sacred space they created. Absolutely everything I’d ever wanted, I could find right here, with these three men who the world viewed as dangerous misfits, and I viewed as salvation.

I reached for Adam, my fingers twisting inside the cotton of his dress shirt before I yanked him toward me, pulling him close. He was so fucking tall — all of them were — that even standing on my toes, he still had to lean down to meet my lips. My hand still attached to Ace yanked, pulling him closer as Adam’s lips met mine. The kiss was slow, demanding, and he may not have meant it, but just the simple action of kissing them built a fire inside of me.

Pulling away from Adam’s lips, I reached for Ace’s neck, pulling him down to offer him a kiss too, while Mercer’s heat warmed my back, his lips locking onto the skin of my throat, tearing a moan from me. How could something so perfect be wrong? How could the world view the three of them with me astaboo when it felt so fucking right? I may be Adam’s wife, but I’d give everything inside of me to make all three of them happy, and I was determined to spend the rest of the evening showing them just that.



My eyes opened to a low moan that escaped Ace. I willed myself not to turn my head, to give them privacy, even though, in a bed with the four of us, privacy was the last thing they deserved. Still, I failed. I turned to the side, taking in the view of my gorgeous wife as her body moved up and down, pleasuring my best friend.