Page 6 of Resisted

“Well, that sucks for you, doesn’t it, baby?” I strolled out of the room and headed for the kitchen, knowing damn well I was about to make the twerp her popcorn.

“If you don’t get me popcorn and…” She paused for dramatic effect. “And watch a movie with me, I’m going to tell Silas that you colored all over my arms against my will.”

I spun around so fucking fast because never ever in my life would I do anything against a girl’s will. “I would never!”

“I know that. You know that. But the proof is in the ink, now isn’t it, Vincent?”

“You’ve got to be the spawn of the devil. I will flush the head of every one of your dolls down the toilet and hang their plastic corpses from the ceiling,” I threatened.

“You won’t. Now are you going to get me popcorn while I put on a movie or what?” She had me figured out, that was for sure, because I wouldn’t touch her dolls. I was an asshole, I wouldn’t deny it, but the amount of effort involved in stringing up plastic dolls surpassed anything I was willing to exert tonight.

“I’ll make the fucking popcorn,” I mumbled.

“Without spit?” The little devil knew me too well.

“Without spit,” I agreed with a sigh, though I wouldn’t promise not to sprinkle on some chipotle powder to burn that little attitude away.

We went our separate ways. I ended up in the kitchen, searching the cabinet for microwaveable popcorn, while she already had some sort of Disney nightmare playing in the living room. I found the popcorn hidden on the back of the top shelf, no doubt out of reach of the little heathen. I shoved a bag in the microwave, hit the popcorn button, then with one quick glance to the living room, I slipped out the backdoor to light a cigarette.

I inhaled deep and closed my eyes, already feeling just a smidge more relaxed than I had in the last hour. This kid, she was no joke, like an intense little roller coaster with no way off. I wasn’t even sure I wanted off. I sort of liked her smart-mouthed banter, though under no circumstances would I have willingly admitted that to her. She would take that information and run, making my life an absolute complete hell.

I stomped out my cigarette and picked up the butt to trash before turning around to see Bella with her hands on her hip, staring at me through the glass. She pulled it open, and the first thing to slip out of my mouth was, “Oh no, the warden is mad.”

“You shouldn’t smoke, Vincent.”

“It won’t kill me, baby.”

“You’re incorrigible, you know that?” She turned on her bare feet and stomped toward the living room, the pink nightgown she’d changed into swishing behind her.

“Incorrigible. Damn, that’s a big word for a toddler,” I mumbled as I tossed the cigarette butt in the trash.

She stopped and whirled on me so fast. “I. Am. Not. A. Toddler. Now wash your filthy hands and get the popcorn.”

Whoa. Okay, then? “Don’t worry, little chihuahua, I’ll make my phalanges sparkle before touching your measly rations.”

“You’re not as funny as you think you are, Vincent.”

I actually thought I was hilarious, but whatever. I’d save my breath for an argument worth arguing. Instead, I opted to wash my hands, get out a giant bowl, and fill it with the popcorn that was popped to perfection. I carried the bowl into the living room and plopped down on the couch next to her. She gave me a side-eye for a second before reaching over and grabbing a handful. She jammed the popcorn in her mouth like she was starving, stray pieces falling haphazardly around her.

“You eat like a wild animal.”

“I am a wild animal.” She took another handful and purposely shoved it into her mouth.

That was the last thing she said before she got sucked into watchingThe Little Mermaid. What kind of shit was this show? Mermaids weren’t even real. I snorted at that thought, and it earned me a warning glance. The irony of me claiming a mermaid wasn’t real when I shifted from man to beast wasn’t lost on me. I wouldn’t ruin it for her, though. She seemed to enjoy it, and she was quiet for once, which in itself was a blessing from the fates.

The movie eventually ended. I refilled the popcorn. She graced us with another of her impeccable movie choices, and we began round two. It became less torturous, but I suspected it had everything to do with my mind leaving my body and drifting off to places it would rather be than me actually enjoyingBeauty and the Beast. Though at least with this one, she’d moved more into our territory. At some point, I gave up trying to pretend I was interested and closed my eyes only for a moment.

When I opened them, I’d lost almost four hours, Bella was lying against me, her tiny head resting on my thigh and her blonde hair fanning out, and Boyce and Silas were standing above us, a smirk on both their fucking ugly faces.

“What?” Shit. My voice sounded groggy. I’d slept hard—harder than I had in ages.

“I knew leaving him to babysit would work out. He’s too fucking old to stay up this late anyway.” Boyce crossed his arms as he looked down, fucking amused with himself.

“I’m not fucking old.” I really, really was. “It’s the fucking movies that got me.”

Boyce glanced to the television, the screensaver forBeauty and the Beaststuck on the screen. “Yeah. That Disney, always too much excitement for me too. The adrenaline crash I get from them knocks me the fuck out.”

Could I kill him? Like, would the fates intervene? Were there rules against the slaughter of your subpack? Luckily, Silas, the levelheaded one of our pack, stepped in. “Boyce, shut the fuck up. Do you have no self-preservation?”