Page 25 of Resisted

If he only knew how fucking close to the truth he was.

Chapter 9


It wasn’tan outright lie when I said I had no place to go while my room got repaired. I could’ve spent the weeks sleeping in the living room or going to a friend’s house and ignoring Mama’s suggestion to crash at their place. But I didn’t. After spending all night tossing and turning, thinking about how fucking delicious Vincent had smelled and looked, how I’d eyed Boyce throughout the barbeque like he was the main course, I dumbly followed my desire and not the wise choice.

It was early when I showed up at their place. I’d known that. But after the entire ordeal with my room and the haunting of my thoughts, I’d figured, if I was awake, they should be too. Because I needed to know what I did that kept Silas away. He hadn’t given me an answer to the question, but Silas was as stubborn as they came and I’d never expected one to come that easily. But by staying there, I could find out. It would become my number one mission.

I had little to pack since the arrangement was temporary. A few bags of clothing, some makeup, and a couple pairs of shoes, and my car was ready to go. It was hard to pull away from my parent’s place, not that I feared staying with Silas. If anything, I would be more protected than I’d ever been in my life, but I worried protection couldn’t save me from myself.

Boyce had the door open before I even cut the engine, his wild hair flowing in the wind as he hopped down the steps toward my car. I cracked the door open before he pulled it open fully. “I should warn you, Silas is moody today.”

“When is he not moody?”

“I mean like, Vince moody.” Like speaking Vincent’s name summoned the demon himself, he appeared in the doorway, still looking half asleep. Boyce’s eyes found him for a moment before looking back at me. “You probably should have waited until the sun was up before ringing the bell like a lunatic.”

“I’ve got nothing if not the element of surprise,” I gloated.

For a second, I could have sworn his eyes heated as they looked at me. “You’ve got a lot more than just nothing, babe.”

Then he pushed off of my doorframe and rounded my car, heading straight for the trunk. I got out of my car and slammed the driver’s door. “I can get my bags.”

He paused. “I would die first.”

“That was dramatic,” I said as I reached for a tote. He slapped my hand away.

“I think there’s more coffee, if you want. Vince will probably make it for you. Just give him those big eyes and say ‘please.’ Go inside,” he instructed.

Who would have thought that Vincent made the world’s best coffee? I’d been caught off guard this morning when he handed me the cup, and after one sip, I couldn’t help but slurp it down. It didn’t matter that I’d burned half my tastebuds in the process. “If you’re sure?”

“Babe, I could get this all in one trip, easy.” I’d like to see him try. It took me four to get it all in the car.

Although it took me so many trips, he had no problem piling my bags up his arms and taking the very last one with his teeth. Men. I nearly rolled my eyes. I waited until he’d grabbed them all before slamming the trunk closed. I even reached for the bag in his mouth, but a growl stopped me. When we stepped into the house and he spat the bag onto the couch, I mumbled, “Chivalry is not dead, ladies.”

“Who are you even talking to?” He continued down the hallway to their spare bedroom, kicked open the door, and then placed all the bags in the center of the room.

“All the eligible ladies out there, looking for their Prince Charming to sweep them off their feet, make them coffee, and carry every bag in one trip instead of four.”

His chest puffed up. “I won’t lie, I’m a catch.”

“You’re definitely something,” I admitted before patting his chest, impressed by how hard the muscles were under my touch.

He made his pecs dance. “You like it, don’t you?”

More than I wanted to admit. I wouldn’t deny that at one time or another, childhood me looked at these men and thoughtdamn, they are fine. Adult me was determined to be blind. But then Vincent and Boyce had walked into the picnic like they’d never disappeared, and my eyes drank them up while my heart did this odd little pitter patter. The moment alone with Vincent in the garage, as short as it had been, had my body ready to spontaneously combust.

I froze as Boyce watched me. Maybe I hadn’t really thought this through. The possibility of staying with three hot men, especially ones that set my body on fire without even a single touch, would be self-torture of the most delicious kind if I allowed my interest to get that far.

As if Silas knew the spell I’d suddenly fallen under, his voice boomed out, “Boyce. I believe you had somewhere else to be.”

Boyce blinked a few times. “I-I do. I’ll see you around. If you need anything, you know where to find me.”

Silas stepped to the side as Boyce exited the room, then he stepped inside. His shoulders nearly consumed the whole doorway as he stood there watching me. “Do I need to set down ground rules while you’re here?”

“I’m not a kid anymore, Silas.”

His eyes swept over me. “You’re right about that. Nevertheless, I don’t want you taunting them.”