Finally, I see our car. Mom jumps out before it stops completely and runs to me.
“Oh, Aria.” She hugs me. “I’m so sorry, honey. I’m so, so sorry.”
As soon as she hugs me, I break down. I collapse against her, sobbing uncontrollably. All the shock and horror come pouring out.
“He’s gone, Mom,” I wail into her shoulder. “Aaron’s gone.”
“Shh, I know, baby. I know.” Mom strokes my hair, her voice thick with emotion. “It’s okay to let it out. I’m here.”
I feel a hand on my back and look up to see my stepdad. He looks really worried. “I’m so sorry you had to see this, Aria,”he says softly. “Is there anything we can do?”
I shake my head, unable to speak. Having Mom and Dad here makes me feel both better and worse at the same time. I’ve come to accept Liam, my stepdad, as my dad, as he’s far more of a father than my birth father ever was.
“Can we take her home now?” I hear Mom ask one of the officers.
“We’ve got her statement,” the officer replies. “You’re free to go. We’ll be in touch if we need any further information.”
Mom guides me to the car, her arm wrapped around my shoulders. The ride home passes in a blur because I can’t shake the image of Aaron’s broken body from my mind.
As we pull into our driveway, I wipe my tears from my face with shaky hands. Mom squeezes my arm. “It’s okay, sweetheart. We’re here for you.”
I stumble out of the car, my legs weak and unsteady. The house looks so normal, like nothing’s changed, even though everything has.
When we go inside, I see Jared on the sofa, looking at his phone. He glances up as we come in.
“What’s with the waterworks?” he sneers. “Someone steal your favorite stuffed animal?”
His words hurt so much. More tears come, and I can’t breathe for a second. Without saying anything, I run upstairs to my room.
“Aria, wait-” Mom calls, but I’m already at my door.
I slam the door shut, collapsing onto my bed and screaming into my pillow.
How could Jared be so mean? Can’t he see how upset I am?
I hate him so much. And yet, even though he’s fucking asshole, I hate myself just as much because I dream about him. He’s so handsome. The older he gets, the harder it is to ignore it. Even though he’s my stepbrother.
Through the floor, I hear Mom’s voice, sharp with anger. “Jared, that was completely uncalled for!”
“What? It’s not my fault she’s being a baby,” Jared replies.
“Aaron is dead,” Mom snaps, her voice breaking. “He fell from the bleachers at school. Aria found his body.”
Then it’s quiet. I try to hear more but can’t understand what they’re saying. I curl up on my bed, hugging my knees. I don’t know how to deal with this. Aaron’s gone, and nothing makes sense anymore.
Elaine and dad chat, while I push food around my plate. Their voices fade in and out, but one word catches my attention—accident.
“It’s such a tragedy,” Elaine says, her voice heavy. “Poor Aaron. They’re saying he must have slipped off the bleachers.”
Dad nods. “Terrible thing. No foul play is suspected, though. Just a freak accident.”
I fight back a smirk. They have no idea. No one does.