Soon, my friends are gathered in the doorway, eyes wide. A collective gasp rises as they take in the decimated cake.
Jared turns to face them, holding up his frosting-covered hand. “Who wants some?”
Tears spill over as humiliation washes over me. “You’re such a jerk!” I cry. “I hate you!”
The words hang heavy in the air. Jared’s grin falters before his cruel smirk slides back onto his lips. He’s such an attractive boy that all my friends have a crush on him, but he’s so rotten inside.
“Whatever. Your dumb party was lame anyway.” He shoves past me, his shoulder slamming into mine as he storms out.
Silence fills the kitchen while I feel helpless and stare at the ruined cake.
“Hey...” Lisa wraps an arm around me. “Don’t let him get to you. We can still have an awesome time, right guys?”
The others echo her encouragement, and I manage a watery smile. They’re right—I can’t let Jared win.
Mom rushes in, her eyes wide as she notices the chunks of cake and frosting smeared across the counters and the once beautiful graveyard confection now a sugary graveyard itself. “What in the world happened here?”
Lisa steps forward. “It was Jared, Mrs. Wilkins. He totally destroyed Aria’s birthday cake for no reason!”
I nod miserably, trying to blink back fresh tears.
Mom’s face darkens with fury as she whirls toward the doorway. “Jared Michael Wilkins! Get in here right now!”
Jared appears hands shoved into his pockets, chin jutting out defiantly.
“What?” he mutters, refusing to meet Mom’s glare.
“Don’t you ‘what’ me, young man!” She points at the ruined cake. “Look at the mess you’ve made! How could you do something so cruel on your sister’s birthday?”
Jared shrugs. “It was just a dumb cake. No big deal.”
“No big—” Mom’s voice rises. “I spent hours on that cake! Not to mention how upset you’ve made Aria!”
He cuts me a sideways glance, smirking. “Oops.”
The flippant response is the final straw. Her nostrils flare as she jabs a finger toward the front door. “That’s it! Get out of this house, and don’t return until you’ve learned some respect!”
Jared’s eyes widen in surprise, but Mom doesn’t back down. “I mean it! Go spend the day with your friend Mason or someone because I don’t want you here ruining Aria’s party any more than you already have!”
He storms toward the front door, snatching his jacket from the coat rack.
“Whatever. This party sucks anyway,” he tosses over his shoulder, yanking open the door.
“Out!” Mom growls, and he walks out, the door slamming behind him.
Mom sighs, rubbing her temples. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
Lisa gives my shoulder a comforting squeeze, and the others gather around, offering sympathetic smiles. As upset as I am, I can’t help feeling relieved that he’s gone—at least for now.
Forcing a smile, I scoop up a handful of frosting. “Who wants to help me finish demolishing this thing?”
The tension breaks as my friends laugh and eagerly join in, our laughter and shrieks of delight filling the kitchen. Jared may have ruined the cake, but he won’t ruin my day.