Victor shook his head. “No, she stepped out.”
Luka sighed. He handed an envelope with Melia’s name on it to Victor. “Can you give this to her? It’s very important. My wife is dying and she wants to see Melia one last time before she goes.”
“My condolences. I’ll give her the letter as soon as she gets back.” The man looked Luka up and down with appreciation. “And for what it’s worth, honey, you’re much hotter than Melia said you were.” He winked and closed the door, leaving Luka in a state of confusion. The man had just hit on him…hadn’t he? That would explain the lack of photos of Melia on the walls as well. Maybe they weren’t together, after all? Perhaps they were just friends. The idea of Melia shacking up with a gay man made him feel better for some reason. He sauntered back to the car in better spirits. Once Melia read the letter, there was no way she wasn’t going to come to them — and then everything would be cleared up and work itself out. It had to.
Chapter Ten
Melia found Victor reading a letter when she got back from the grocery store. She placed her bags on the counter.
Victor handed her the letter and left the room. Melia looked down and saw Susan’s shaky handwriting on the paper. From the erratic letters she could tell that Susan was not doing so well and it pained her to know that. She unfolded the paper in trembling hands and took a deep breath as she read:
My sweetest Melia,
I’m sorry that it has taken me so long to respond to your letter. I hope you didn’t think that it was done from some callous unfeeling place. I am writing this moments after having found yours hidden beneath a book. Had I known everything that was in your heart I would have told you sooner what I’m going to tell you now. I, too, love you and have felt the warm shine of life that you have cast on this house. Without you, my last days would have been dull and lonely. You have been a constant companion, a nurse, a friend, and yes, like you I also felt a sisterly affection towards you. That is why I want you to know that I chose you. I wanted you to be my home attendant because I thought that I could leave this world in peace knowing that such a beautiful, intelligent and wonderful woman would be taking care of my loving husband—who we can both agree is not that great with words, or perhaps we’d be having this conversation face to face instead of through these letters. I hope you don’t think it strange or forward of me, but my love for Luka stopped me from being able to leave him alone in this world to mourn me without a companion at his side to help guide him through these dark days. I don’t feel betrayed by your confession; I rejoice at it! I am glad that you and Luka love each other so much. It makes me feel like I have made the right choice and can go to rest now. The only thing missing… is you. I am not feeling well. I feel that at any moment my time on this earth will pass and it will be time for me to go join whatever is out there after death. I need you here. Please come back, Melia. Don’t make me embark on that journey without you by my side. Hurry, please.
With love,
Melia’s eyes swelled with tears and she let her arms fall limply at her sides. Victor came in behind her and hugged her tightly.
“Melia, you have to go.”
“I don’t know, Victor. You read the letter. You don’t think this is weird?”
“Fuck yeah, it’s some weird and kinky shit, butenserio, we can’t control how love comes into our lives,niña.” He turned her around and put his hands on her shoulders. “This is what you wanted. Susan isn’t angry with you. She loves you.Lukaloves you.”
“I’m afraid.”
Victor tapped his foot. “Of what, girl? I thought you were never scared of anything.”
“What if this fails? What if I go over there and Susan is just saying crazy shit because she’s doped up? What if she’s serious, and we get there and the reality is that what’s between me and Luka is all physical? What if he only loves me for my body and doesn’t really loveme?”
Victor shook his head. “Honey, I’m gay and I’m telling you that any man worth his shit who likes girls would be crazy not to want to be with you. And how can you know any of this if you don’t go out on a limb andtry.”
“I don’t know…” Melia frowned and tried to make sense of the swirling thoughts and emotions that were clouding her mind.
“Bueno, I’m going to make it easier for you.” Victor put his hands on his hips. “Get out.”
“What?” Melia sniffled.
“I said, get out. I’m kicking you out. I cannot have you all up in my house crowding up my apartment and messing with my game.”
“Are you—?”
“Yes, I’m kicking you out.” Victor handed Melia her car keys and sweater and started to push her towards the door. “Go. Go get your man, Melia, before I try to steal him from you.” He blew her a kiss and slammed the door in her face. She turned and ran to her car, her blood pounding through her veins.
Susan had called for her, it was time to home and be there next to her dying friend.
* * *
Melia drove like she had never driven before in her life. She used the spare key under the rug to let herself into the Rossiter’s house and sprinted up the stairs. She arrived at the bedroom, out of breath.
“I’m here,” she cried.
Susan slowly turned her face to Melia. Her chest heaved and her breath was loud, rattling in her chest. Her face lit up with recognition. She said something inaudible to Luka, who nodded and stood up. As he passed her in the door, he hugged her.
“Thanks for coming back. It means so much to us.”