Page 26 of Taming His Rockstar

“You can have a picture,” I say to her.

“Really?” She’s surprised.

I nod. “With how much help you’ve been today, you more than deserve one.”

I smile as she takes several pictures with me. I get into the car and wave at her as Jane drives out of the parking lot.

“You got your puppy. You happy now?” Jane asks.

I smile and nod as I kiss my little puppy. “Yes, I am. What name do you think we should call him? I’m thinking Kent.”

“Like Clark Kent? Why would you name your dog after Superman?”

“Shhh!” I scold. “Don’t tell the world his secret.”

“Fine. I’m thinking Jake.”

I glare at her. “No, we’re not calling him Jake. Maybe Charlie.” I shake my head and nuzzle the puppy’s nose, loving the feel of it tongue against my cheeks. “You know what, I’ll think of a name later.”

As I hold my new puppy in my arms, I realize not once in the two hours since I walked into that shelter did Jake cross my mind. Two hours, and I didn’t think of him once. Of course, the puppy has nothing to do with that. After all, I’m not getting a puppy to distract myself from him.