“Well, damn, Kitty, when did you let your claws out? I’m really proud of you, kiddo, though be careful how much you tryto boss me around. This one might not mind, but I do. I’ll go take care of that one now.”
Knowing I’m going to be pushing her buttons, I still clear my throat.
“Hey, Shadow. Since you’ve been bossing me around since I got started with the club, just remember, I have a lot of bossing around in me to get rid of.”
With that I turn and walk out of the kitchen smiling hugely, while Wildcat laughs hysterically. I can only imagine Shadow’s face, even with that wicked tattoo. Finally, I got the last word on our enforcer. Hopefully, there aren’t going to be paybacks from her.
Not sure why we didn’t just fly to Montana, but nope, my asshole friends wanted to drive and see the country. I should have just done what I wanted, but I didn’t want to cause any rifts. Could have gotten my company jet and flown us to Montana, but we have some sensitive Stans amongst us. Especially Jude, because he’s the one always throwing smack at me because of my company and its success. I’m not sure why because, from what I hear, he has a pretty successful construction business going with his brothers and dad. He’s the newest guy to join our group. Vito, Freddy, Presley, and I grew up and went to school together. Jude came around after we got out of high school and by then, I was already programming shit and starting up my business. Now, I don’t act like an asshole by shoving my fortune or success at these guys. Jude’s been getting worse and lately he’s downright being a jagoff toward me. I told Presley if it keeps up then I’m going to have to confront him. Vito, Freddy, and I were talking last night at dinner. Jude was in the bathroom hammering our goddamn waitress while we waited for them to finish so she could take our orders.
Vito was about to hit the john when another waitress came over, asking us if Shelly took our order. When we said no, sherolled her eyes looking down the hall to where the restrooms were. Then she took out her pad and asked what we wanted. The three of us placed our orders and when she walked away, Freddy started by saying he was getting sick of Jude’s bullshit. I’ve been busy so wasn’t around the last couple of times they all went out. This was Jude’s new thing, hooking up with whoever he can, no matter where he’s at.
Freddy told me about last Friday. They went out for wings and beers. Jude picked up Vito and Freddy because the two share an apartment. While waiting on their wings, Jude saw an old girlfriend, and next thing Vito and Freddy knew Jude was walking out with the chick, leaving them stranded. When they called him on it, he called them jealous pussies. Something is definitely up with him. I’m hoping he doesn’t fuck up this time with Presley because I’m looking forward to it. Not only for maybe seeing Ruby, but I miss my friend. I’m beyond thrilled for him for finding Hannah and moving to Timber-Ghost. I get it, he’s in love with that girl and from what I saw, she seems like a cool chick, funny as hell and doesn’t take any shit from anyone. That’s why I’m thinking Jude is in for a rude awakening. If what Presley says and what I’ve seen of Hannah is true, she’s got spunk and the rest of her Devil’s Handmaidens motorcycle club won’t stand for Jude’s bullshit, especially the one with the skull face. Shit, what was her name… oh yeah, Shadow. By the time those women arrived Jude was gone, so I can’t wait to see his face when he meets Shadow and her man, Panther. Not to mention the big guy, Avalanche, who’s supposed to be a brother to Shadow’s man.
Our food comes and we dig in ’cause we’re starving. Since it’s Jude’s car, we stop when he wants to. Just one more thing that is starting to bug the shit out of me. A chair drags against the floor and we all look up to see Jude glaring at each of us.
“What the fuck, you didn’t wait to order? I wasn’t gone that long.”
Vito chuckles but Freddy glares right back.
“Well, dude, since you can’t control your own dick, we were done waiting for you to get it wet, so we ordered. You ain’t our dad, motherfucker, so sit your ass down and order some food. For Christ’s sake, I thought you’d be in a better mood after you shot your wad.”
Freddy grabs another wing and starts chomping on it as Vito chokes on his beer. My eyes are looking down but I can feel Jude’s stare. I do not engage. The rest of the evening sucks and, damn, am I glad I refused to share a room. I’m past that shit, so the three of them are in one room and I have my own. I’m not in said room for more than fifteen minutes when a knock on the door has me close my laptop and walk to the door, opening it, and seeing Freddy there.
“Brother, I hate to ask, but can I grab your chair or couch just for tonight? Went to the front desk and they don’t have anything open because of a baseball tournament. That motherfucker won’t shut his mouth. Vito put in his buds and Jude kept getting in my face. It was either leave or knock his teeth down his throat. If you can’t spare some room, I’ll find a restaurant I can sit in a booth at all night, and drink some shitty coffee.”
Damn, I feel so bad for Freddy ’cause he’s a great dude. I grab his shoulder and pull him inside.
“Never have to ask, you know you’re always welcome if I’m around. Just didn’t want to get stuck with Jude ’cause I know you and Vito are close. I got that couch, it’s a pullout bed. There’s bedding in that closet, help yourself. Fridge has drinks and some snacks, as do the cabinets. Again, help yourself. I got some work to finish, if ya don’t mind. Watch the television or fuck around on your phone, whatever you want to do, dude.”
Freddy looks around then back at me confused.
“How the fuck do you have a room like this and the three of us are squeezed in tight in a two-bed? I swear they are twin beds with a chair and ottoman. No refrigerator or nothing.”
I smile then actually chuckle.
“Freddy, I’ve learned money can do just about anything. When I had my assistant make the reservation, after Jude told me to, I didn’t want to share, so this is what I ended up with. Patti used to work with my dad, but when I started my own business, she asked to come with me. I think my dad asked her to, so I had someone with experience at my back. She does so much more than any other person in my company. Every time I travel, regardless if it’s a five-star or three-star, somehow, she manages to take care of me.”
Out of everything I just said, Freddy only hears one thing.
“Fuck, dude, you’ve stayed at five-star hotels? Where and how was it? This is the kind I usually stay at. Sometimes even motels instead of hotels, just depends on my money situation.”
Well, an idea popped in my head with what Freddy just said and even though Jude is going to be beyond pissed, I think both Freddy and Vito will have a blast.
“Give me a quick second, need to make a call. Where are we supposed to stop tomorrow night? Did Jude book a hotel?”
“I think we are supposed to stop somewhere near Casper, Wyoming, though don’t think he reserved rooms yet. Why?”
“No worries, man, give me a minute, will you? Going to step out, need to make a phone call.”
Not giving Freddy a chance, I walk out and dial up Patti. She answers on the first ring, “Hey, boss, need something?”
She never balks at my late calls or asking for something out of the normal. That’s why she always gets a bonus each year that would allow her to buy a new car with cash.