Page 31 of Running Alone

Without thought, he pulls me close.

“My God, Ruby, you are so much more. Now, first things first. We invited our friends to come up for a few days of relaxation and fun. If they don’t like something, that is on them. We are paying for this rental and if they want something else, they can try and find a room or cabin. You need to try and alter your brain’s way of thinking. No, I get it, that’s a hard thing to do. Remember, only you can hurt you. Try to go with the flow. That’s how I try to get through my day-to-day.”

So eventually we get up, straighten the room, then wash up, and get dressed. Lachi goes to get coffee up and running while I check the guest rooms, making sure each refrigerator has some drinks and snacks. They have single use Keurigs in the rooms so I make sure there are pods and coffee fixings. When I make my way toward the kitchen, the smells hit me so much my stomach growls loudly.

“My girl’s hungry. Come on, sit down, I’m just about ready to plate it. There’s your coffee. So is everything to your liking?”

I know Lachi talked to the cleaning crew because there are flowers in each room and trays full of goodies to welcome everyone.

Hearing the plate hit the quartz, I look down and, damn, does it look yummy. Scrambled cheesy eggs and what I think are the turkey sausages I saw in the drawer earlier. Some fresh fruit, coffee, and toast finish it off. Without thinking, I blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind.

“Damn, Lachi, you are going to make some woman a very awesome husband.”

His head jerks my way and he squints his eyes.

“Someone, Ruby? So what do you think. that I’m biding my time ’til something ‘better’ comes along? Jesus Christ, woman, open your eyes.”

I’m shocked because I don’t have a clue why he’s mad all of a sudden. I mean, I was joking. Oh shit, hold up, did he take it like I don’t want to be that woman? Son of a bitch, again I didn’t think. Knowing that I might have hurt Lachi’s feelings, I move closer until I’m right in front of him, my hands caressing his stunning face.

“Lachi, I was trying to joke and from the way you’re acting, I totally suck at it. I was trying to say that you are a very special person, who deserves the very best. I’m just not sure that’s me. No, you’re going to have to give me some time. Never had anyone care about me the way you do. It feels awesome, but is so frigging overwhelming at times. Please forgive me. I don’t want to be fighting with you when all of our friends get here. Don’t want to be the focus of their attention. I am sorry. Remember, I’m new to this and my mouth has the tendency to just vomit words out. You know I’m really into you, Lachi, would never do anything to hurt you.”

When I look at him, gone is the angry face and now it’s that soft gorgeous look he gives me when looking at me. He pullsme close, gives me one of his awesome hugs, then goes to warm up the coffees and we sit and eat. Thank God I was honest with him. Going to take me some time, not used to being this close to another person. Together we straighten up the kitchen then start on making the trays for our guests. Besides a charcuterie board filled with all kinds of cheeses, sausages, olives, pickles, crackers, and chunks of bread, Lachi had ordered a huge tray of lasagna for dinner. I made a salad already, holding off the croutons until we’re ready to eat. For dessert we bought a huckleberry pie when we were in town and even picked up some homemade vanilla ice cream. I’m beyond excited for my friends to see me in a different environment.

My God, I’ve never laughed so much or as hard as I have this afternoon. Everyone got here right after noon. After they got settled, Lachi set up the island with all our finger foods and, man, everyone must have been hungry. The girls and I have been drinking some wine while the guys are downing beers. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. Even Jude seems to have mellowed. He’s right now on the back deck with Malachi. I’m worried until Freddy and Vito make their way to my side. I look at Vito, who’s still a bit pale, but much better than he was a few days ago.

“Don’t worry, Kitty, Jude is trying to repair what he obviously broke. I let him off the hook, which this guy is pissed about. But as I told Freddie, Jude is going to have to live with what he allowed to happen. And I’ve heard some of the conversations with his parents. He’s looking for somewhere else to live, that’s how pissed he is at his father. It’s up to Malachi if he wants to forgive him but as both Freddie and I said, our boy Malachi willlet him off the hook too. That’s who he is. So let’s move on. When are you coming to Cali to meet the folks and check out Mal’s house? I know his mom is beyond excited to meet you. She’s put us through the grinder trying to find out everything about you. Well, until Malachi found out and he gave her a piece of his mind. Told her to wait ’til you’re ready to share, as that is your story to tell. So know how much our boy has your back, as he literally told his momma to back off.”

Before I can reply, the sliding door opens and closes. Jude walks toward me and puts his hand out.

“Kitty, owe you an apology. Not one of my best moments, but as I just told Malachi, I’m in the process of trying to find a place of my own. Explained to my dad that unless he gets help with his gambling problem, I want nothing to do with him. Surprised as fuck but my brothers told him the exact same thing. Mom is in the middle, but she’s got to shit or get off the pot, so to speak. Malachi even offered me his pool cabana to stay in for a bit. We’ll see. I owe that man so much, don’t want to keep taking. Sorry again I’m ranting on, just want to say I’m sorry for my part of this bullshit. Hopefully, we’re done and can just move forward. I’m glad he met you, Kitty. You calm that ever-electric feeling that radiates off of him.”

After that everyone kind of chills. We play some board games then even go outside to play a few games of cornhole. By suppertime, everyone has been laughing and kidding all afternoon. Squirt, Dani, and even Dottie, who showed up at the last minute, are helping me in the kitchen while the guys are cleaning off the outside table so they can set it. It stops me in my tracks at how much I’ve always wanted these types of relationships. Squirt must sense it because she sidles up to me, bumping shoulders.

“Enjoy it, Kitty, you so deserve it. He’s a good guy on top of it. Presley has nothing but good things to say about him.Presley has known him for years and whenever stuff got hard for Presley, Malachi and his family were always there to help. Before we met the guys during our MMM23 Texas road trip, Presley told Malachi he was going to prospect with his cousin, Karma. Malachi offered him a job at his company and also was including housing with the offer. And to top it off, Presley would have been able to work from home most of the time. Presley was floored but felt he needed to spread his wings, his words. Too many bad memories so he started off to go meet the Grimm Wolves MC. Instead, we found each other and when that stuff went down with Slick, and Brick said he’d switch Presley for Slick, I was never so happy in my life. Now, to the good stuff, tell me everything. And don’t play dumb, you know what I’m asking. Give me the deets. Going to live vicariously through you, sister.”

I don’t know anyone who can get pissed at this innocent girl/woman. So I’m brutally honest.

“Squirt, we’ve had some moments but we’ve decided not to rush.”

“Son of a bitch, Kitty, why? That’s the same thing Presley and I are doing and, to be honest, it sucks. It’s just, I don’t know what to do, or who to talk to about it. Can’t say a word to our prez or Auntie Zoey, they’ll go ballistic. I wanted to figure it out while you’re getting some. Dang it, and neither Dottie nor Dani is even involved with anyone.”

I lean in and softly tell her about my conversation with Wildcat. I tell her I trust Wildcat and have felt extremely comfortable talking with her. Squirt is watching me with those stunning green eyes, like she’s reading into my soul.

“Kitty, you love him, don’t you? Just the way your face changes says it all. Sister, I’m so happy for you. Look at the both of us growing up and being adults. Who would have thought from us running away to go to the MMM23 signing we’d be meeting good guys to now planning on attending again this yearwith the club’s blessing. We’re lucky our prez and VP didn’t take our kuttes and kick our asses to the curb.”

As we reminisce about our prospect trip, my heart is full. I have a home I never knew I’d find with good folks having my back. We do work that is helping others and I’m building something with Lachi. How did this happen to the quiet, awkward club sister, who at times drops into a panic attack in seconds? When Squirt pulls me in for a hug, I actually hug her back. In no time at all, I feel more arms circling around us. Then both Dottie and Dani start cackling about how emotional we both are becoming and asked if it was our time of the month. Then Dottie starts giving us shit about letting the men in our lives make us soft. I’m shocked when Dani speaks up at her twin.

“No, you’re wrong, Dottie, it makes them stronger. Can’t you see how much more confidence they have about them? And no, it’s not because they are having sex. Again, look at them, they don’t have that look of wonder yet. I’m glad for both of you. Once everyone decides on what they want to do let me know. Going to go sit on that swing on the back porch and read.”

When she turns and leaves, all three of us glance at each other then at the door Dani walked out. Something is up with our timid sister, that’s for sure. We need to keep an eye on her because we all know she’s been bullied in her life before. Dottie tried to protect her but couldn’t be around all the time.

So instead of making plans, all three of us grab chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers, and join our sister outside. Eventually we get the firepit going and make and eat s’mores until we’re ready to puke. I’ve never had so much fun since coming to Montana. Maybe Dani is right, I’m opening up my walls and boundaries to truly enjoy life one day at a time.