I’m kind of fading in and out while Hannah, nope, I’ve got to remember to call her by the club’s name given to her. Squirt. That brings a smile to my face, well, until I hear her screaming my name.
“Hey, Kitty, guess what Presley told me last night? Come on, guess. You won’t even come close, I know it. Whatcha waiting for…guess already.”
Watching her, I can see the excitement all over her face. Her ol’ man, Presley, she met on the way to Motorcycles, Mobsters, and Mayhem in 2023. Since then, he’s relocated here to Timber-Ghost, Montana and is now a prospect of the Intruders, which is Tank’s club, and Tank is our prez and Squirt’s dad. Presley’s cousin, Karma, whose part of the Grimm Wolves MC and where Presley originally was supposed to prospect, wasn’t happy about his decision.
“I don’t know what Presley told you, Squirt. So instead of playing the usual games just tell me, will you, biotch?”
She lets out a loud laugh at me calling her a biotch. Yeah, guess that could be funny, as all of my club sisters know how much I kind of stay by myself. If I’m not working, then I’m usually reading in my room. Especially after the disaster of thatdamn signing in Texas. The four of us are lucky we weren’t thrown out of the club with our antics. Since then, I’ve been on my best behavior, trying to regain everyone’s trust.
“Okay, badass loner, I’ll tell you. Presley had a conversation with his boys and, guess what? They are coming out to visit him. Yeah, that’s right, here in Timber-Ghost. You know what that means right, sister? Malachi is going to make the trip too. Well, after he asked Presley if you were still here and single. You might get some eventually, Kitty, after all. No, don’t get that look in those puppy dog eyes of yours. Just tell me what happened between the two of you already. He was really into you, so what did you do? Push him away? We could all tell you were interested in him too. You didn’t run away and sit in a bedroom by yourself, like usual at least.”
Damn, she’s a pain in my ass. Since that signing, she won’t let this go. She’s like a dog with a huge rawhide bone, for Christ’s sake. Yeah, Malachi was into me, and crap, I was into him too while I was in Texas. Thought with us being so far from home, I could spend time with him, and maybe even have some grown-up fun for a change—though my anxiety kicked in—then come back to Montana and move forward. Well, that didn’t happen. He’s texted and called ever since then. That’s not exactly true. Unbeknownst to my club sisters, I met up with him in Billings on and off for a couple of months after that MMM23 signing. Told him from the beginning it was just fun, but did he listen? Hell to the no. Guess he thought he could change my mind. Welp, not happening. I jump when fingers are snapping right in front of my face. Damn her.
“I’ve told you time and time again, Squirt, it’s none of your business. Let it go. When are Presley’s friends coming?”
“Quit changing the subject, Kitty. I’m totally on to you sister. Please tell me what happened. Malachi told Presley he was, and still is, really into you. I thought you were finally taking a chanceon a relationship. Did he hurt you ’cause, if so, I’ll kill him. Well, with Auntie Zoey’s help of course.”
Damn, those green eyes are watching me like a hawk while my sister’s innocence is showing. Damn it, if she ever finds out that all she has to do is give me that look with those vibrant green eyes, and then I’m a goner. No more secrets from her.
“Yeah, Squirt, I was into him. Seems like a nice enough guy, but I live in Montana and from what he told me, he lives in California. That would be one of the longest long-distance relationships, and generally, we both know they don’t usually last anyway. It was a weekend of fun in the sun at Lake Conroe, Texas remember?”
“You going to try and lie to my face now, Kitty? He shared with Presley that you two were meeting in Billings for a couple of months after the signing. That is until one weekend you just didn’t show up. Kitty, Presley said Malachi was heartbroken. He really wanted to spend time with you and thought the two of you were on the road to starting a relationship. Talk to me, please. I’m not a little girl, maybe I can help you see the light.”
Damn him, we swore not to say anything to anyone about us meeting every other weekend. See? Can’t trust men, no matter how nice they seem to be. Since I’m not the type of girl who shares every single tidbit with her girls, I keep my mouth shut. Not one of my club sisters knows about my life before the Devil’s Handmaidens, and that’s the way I’ve tried to keep it. There’s been too much drama in our club, don’t need to add to it with all my insecurities and shit.
“Come on, Squirt, just drop it. You of all sisters know I’m not going to spill, so let’s just move on.”
She glares at me for a minute or two, then shrugs her shoulders and lets out a huge sigh. Squirt’s learning that sometimes it’s best to step back when someone is either hiding something or just doesn’t want to talk about it. For me at thismoment, it’s both of those, so she comes up to me—though she’s so much shorter—and gives me a hug.
“I’m here if you ever need me, Kitty. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You had my back in Texas, and fingers crossed, we’ll be able to go to the next MMM signing in twenty twenty-five. Personally, I can’t wait. Hey, maybe we’ll even get to meet the elusive D.M. Earl. God, wouldn’t it be a trip if we got to see who is writing all of the books on our club.”
We talk about where the signing is at and decide this time to be upfront with the club. Last time we got so frigging lucky because of what went down, and we all still managed to make it back home to Montana after the signing. Just thinking about the signing makes my mind run to the time I spent with Malachi. Out of all of Presley’s friends, he was just a really nice guy who listened and wasn’t out just to get laid, like that other friend, Jude. For me, Malachi was a no-brainer because I told him up front, so that way he knew he wasn’t getting any on that trip. Not saying we didn’t get to know each other, just I’m not the type who meets a guy and ends up in his bed that night or the next. It should mean something and by the time Malachi and I got to that point, he did mean something. He still does, though he doesn’t know. Well, no one does, except me and my chicken self.
Squirt gets up and grabs all of her shit while gabbing away. This sister can really talk a mile a minute. Half the time I don’t even know what she’s going on about, though this time she’s mumbling to herself about how I’m keeping her at arm’s length. That’s not entirely true but whatever happens, or if nothing more goes on, it’s only between Malachi and me.
Just thinking about him makes my heart feel good and bad at the same time. Probably because he’s a nice person and I was seriously attracted to him. God, he’s as good-looking as Squirt’s Presley is, if not better. But that wasn’t the only thing that drew me to him. It was his kind heart and old soul. Unlike most guyshis age, he didn’t act like a typical asshole, looking to score a piece of ass to add to the notch on his bedpost. In fact, I was the one who initiated our first kiss, which was a soft closed-mouth one. He was more into holding hands, cuddling and talking. As Malachi told me, he wanted to get to know all about me. My likes and dislikes, favorite things, and what made me tick. He was also interested on how I became a Devil’s Handmaiden.
One night comes to mind. We were lying outside the cottage by the lake, watching the sky filled with so many stars. Lachi—I shortened his name—asked me what drew me to the Handmaidens. I had to think about my answer for a while. There were so many things, but the main one was the sense of sisterhood and family. Our prez, Tink, makes sure to let all of us know we are her family. And she shows it because her parents, Tank and Momma Diane, became like surrogate parents to all of the club sisters. They love us unconditionally, which is rare. I never had that before coming out here to Montana from Indiana. I aged out of the foster care system, and not one of the families who took me in ever made me feel as much love as Tink and her family have since I started prospecting. Not to mention the sisterhood of the club itself. I might not be the most vocal but know, deep in my heart, if I ever need anything all I’d have to do is ask any one of my club sisters.
“Well, Kitty, if you aren’t going to share anything with me, I best get my ass moving. Got to get to Momma Diane’s and clean out the yard. Those damn dogs crap like you wouldn’t believe.”
When she lowers her head for a second then lifts it with tears in her eyes, I’m beyond confused until she explains, “I feel so ignorant. Here I am complaining, and poor Taz, Enforcer, and Teddy just lost their pit bull, Tuna. Sometimes I need to think before I talk. All I can do is thank the heavens that none of them are around here listening to me whining. I’ll be around if youneed to talk, which is a joke with you. Your club’s name should have been Silent Sister.”
She starts to giggle, which is infectious, so I join her and before long we’re laughing together like two hyenas. Squirt gives me a sideward hug before leaving to go to her folks’ house. I look at my watch and almost scream, as I’m going to be late for my shift at the club’s bar and grill in town.Damn it, need to keep a better eye on my time, I think to myself as I gather my shit and run out to the barn to grab my bike and hightail it into town. Well, right after I call Wildcat to let her know I might be a few minutes late, which she tells me isn’t a problem. Generally, I’m always early for work, but time got away from me today. I’ll make it up, but I’m just part of the cleaning crew. Well, guess that’s not true, as now I’m a supervisor or manager of all the folks who help bus and clean the Wooden Spirits Bar and Grill. Tink, Shadow, and Glory gave me a promotion, along with a nice hefty raise and benefits. That right there is why I love my club sisters. I don’t have the talents of some of the other sisters, but not a one of them treats me like less and that means the world to me.
After giving my bike a once over, I put my half helmet on and slowly leave the barn and move down the gravel and dirt road in front of the main house on Tink’s ranch. Once I pass it, I give it a little throttle down the driveway, waving at some of the guards along the way. When I get to the gate, I see Dottie, who’s on guard, opening the gate for me. She smiles at me, which I return, then I grab my throttle and give it some gas. I got some time to make up. Since the ride into town isn’t that long, I don’t get enough time to think about how I feel about Malachi coming up to Montana. Not sure how I’m going to act with him around. I enjoy being around him way too much, so that part of me is happy. It’s the other part—the insecure and anxious side—thatfeels like no one will ever truly love me, which isn’t thrilled he’s going to be around. Guess I’ll see which side eventually wins.