Page 58 of Blood

“Why?” Kitty snorts, a crazed look glossing her eyes, her pupils expanding.

“Why what?”

“Why would some girl hate us?” She’s defensive, and I get it. Maybe I should have used better tact, but I don’t want more lies between us.

“Because you’re a rival club and there are old wounds there.”

“Rivals?” she chortles. “Devils are like a flea on a dog. Their bite is mildly irritating, and they’re easily exterminated.”

My heart thunders. Sweat coats my brow. It’s too warm in here. And my temper flaring at her description of the Devils isn’t helping the situation. “Is that what I am—what she was?” I fume, wishing Georgina was around so I had something to punch.

“You’re missing the point.” Kitty rolls her eyes and throws her hands up.

I walk toward her, needing to be close to hear her point.

“Your club doesn’t even flicker on our radar. We couldn’t give a fuck about the Devils. We certainly wouldn’t go to the trouble of killing a female club member for shits and giggles.”

My pulse pounds in my head. The way Harley is just nothing to her, unimportant, hurts me deeply. It’s irrational—Kitty didn’t even know Harley existed until a few moments ago—but she was my damn baby sister, not just some female. She was my firefly—a person with dreams, hopes, a future.

“So, why are you here, lying about who you are?”

“Because I want to know who killed her. When I find out, I’ll kill them,” I seethe. We’re almost nose to nose now. She smells like a brewery. How she’s managing to hold up a conversation is staggering.

“That sounds like a threat against my club.” There’s violence in her eyes, and that stings.

“Only if your club killed her.” I hate this. I don’t want this bad energy between us, this hostile back and forth.

Breaking eye contact, she gestures toward the door. “Callan won’t like your ulterior motive for being here. We fucking trusted you.”

“And I’ve helped this club. I’m not the enemy, Kitty.” I reach out for her wrist, circling my fingers there. Her pulse flickers against the pads. Her heavy exhale makes me want to hold her. “I like being here. I like you. I’m just in pain. My baby sister was fucking strangled to death. Her tattoo was carved from her skin like she was a slab of meat going to market. If someone did that to Callan, wouldn’t you do whatever it took to find them?”

She pulls out of my hold and sits on the end of her bed. “This is a fucking mess.” She looks me up and down, frowning. “What were you doing in here anyway?” Tension snaps between us, and my lungs soak in a breath.

Wiping a hand across my brow, I sit next to her. “Georgina threw red wine over me. I needed to borrow more clothes. I didn’t hear you in the bathroom.”

“Clearly.” She throws herself back on the bed and massages her temples. “Your knees are bleeding.” My brow furrows. I hadn’t noticed the blood, but I remember the pain when I mounted the table.

“I may have threatened Georgina with a bottle to her throat and got some smashed glass embedded in my knees by accident.”

I feel her chuckle before I hear it. “Why am I never here for this shit?” she huffs, turning her stare to me. I lay back next to her.

“Because you’re always too busy getting busy.”

“Oh god.” She cringes, covering her face. “I can’t believe I let Tim eat me out.”

“What?” I cackle, holding my stomach.

“It’s worse. He was fucking good at it.” She bites her lip, nudging me. We’re going to be okay. My emotions churn like they’re on a spin cycle, but if this is the outcome then it’s been worth it.

“Georgina is going to have a field day when she finds out you’re a Devil,” she muses, rubbing at her eyes.

“She already knows.” I grimace.

“What?” She bolts upright, her mouth gaping.

I lean onto my elbows. “She found out and told your brother.”

She pauses then sighs, shaking her blonde locks. “That’s why you three were acting fucking weird. How are you still here? Did Callan not throw you out?”