Page 54 of Blood

Heading back inside, I walk down to Kitty’s room and rap my knuckles on the door. “Come in.”

“I thought you’d run back here to hide out.” I say as I enter.

“Am I that obvious?” She’s sitting with her legs up on her bed stroking a hand down Keg’s back. His purr encourages her to keep going. Kitty’s room is the complete opposite of Callan’s. Bright colors burst from every inch of it. Stripy wallpaper covers every wall, and an array of matching fuzzy cushions lay around her on the bed. Snacks litter her bedside dresser, surrounding a lamp that has a woman’s torso as a stand and a pink velvet lamp shade. She’s quirky, and her room is an extension of her, and I love it.

“You can’t let her affect you like this. This is your club.”

She blows out a harsh breath. “I know. Dammit, I fucking hate that woman.” I hate that man, but I keep that tidbit to myself. The idea of having left him to bleed out runs through my mind. “There’s a big party tonight,” she says, excitement back in her eyes.

“Really?” I ask, picking up a discarded jacket from her floor placing it on a hook by her door.

“Yeah. Monster and his crew are back from a run.”

I jab a finger over my shoulder and lie on her bed, my head on her legs. “Pretty sure I just met him.”

“Did he grab your pussy?”

“Ew, no.” I scrunch my nose and pinch her thigh.

“Ow!” She laughs, smacking my hand away. “He’s a pervert with zero boundaries.”

If the grubby cunt grabbed me there, I’d punch him in the throat. “Is that why they call him Monster?”

A filthy smirk tilts her lips. She shakes her head and leans down, opening a drawer in her bedside dresser.

I lean up to see what she’s doing, and my eyes ping wide. “What the fuck is that?” I screech, jumping up and away from her swirling a mammoth giant dildo.

“Monster cock!” she cackles, holding her gut and laughing. “He had these made and gave them out as gifts.”

“No fucking way.” I shiver.

She bends in half, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Have you used that?” I grimace.

“Fuck no. My coochie couldn’t handle that horse cock.” She snorts.

“Why did you keep it?” I tease, throwing a cushion at her. She bats it away with the dildo, and I crack up. “Seriously, though, why the hell did you keep that?”

“I use it to kill spiders.” She shrugs like that’s an entirely normal thing to do. I love her.

“Fuck those spiders.” I nod my head.

“Exactly.” She slaps the dildo against her hand, making a clapping sound. “I might fuck someone else tonight,” she says, her laughter lines ironing out. “Show him, you know?” The aura of the room shifts, a somber note eclipsing the humor.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Kit. Could hurt you more than him.” I move across her bed and tug her to me, hugging her. “He doesn’t deserve you.” She burrows into my hold, and we lay there with Keg between our hips.

“Will you let me do your hair and makeup for tonight?” she asks, brushing her fingers through my auburn strands.

“As long as I don’t end up with purple or pink hair, sure.”

“Green?” she teases, and I smile, content lying next to her. You never really know how much you need someone until you find them and can’t bear the thought of losing them.

“Did you put that cock away?” I ask, squished up beside her.

We both burst into a fit of giggles.

Yeah, losing her would suck.