Page 47 of Blood

“What the fuck?” That’s all I got because that is insanity.

Reaching over the bar, she snags a bottle of whiskey and chugs it back like it’s orange juice before handing it to me. “Well, suggested he marry her. Cutter came from a broken home and didn’t want to raise a kid that way, so he agreed.”

The burn of liquor sends a hot path down my throat, settling as a warm puddle in my stomach. “So, she pretty much tricked him into marriage?” I ask incredulously. “How did he know the kid was his and not your dad’s?”

“Dad got the snip after mom had me.” She snatches the bottle back and gulps an unhealthy amount down. She winces, shaking her head, before slamming it down on the bar.

“But who knows who else she slept with,” I say. I’ve seen women like her try to trap members before by winding up pregnant. They’re ruthless in their pursuit.

“I don’t know. Maybe she did get a paternity test. Cutter loves the kid and doesn’t like to talk about it with me.”

“Just likes to use you for pussy,” I grunt. Her face blanches, and I instantly wish I could stuff the words back into my mouth. “I’m sorry.”

I place a hand on her knee. She shrugs her shoulders. “No, you’re right. I’m an idiot, but…”

“You love him.” I sigh.

“Pathetic, right? Here I am warning you off Callan because he doesn’t settle down while I’m with a man who does—just not with me.”

“I wouldn’t call him settled if he’s in your bed and not hers. Do they even like each other?”

“He tells me they’re married in name only, yet here she is at his bedside.” Squeezing her eyes closed, she drops her head to the bar. “Do you think I’m an asshole?”

“What?” I kick her chair, making it screech across the floor a couple inches. “No. I think he’s an asshole.”

“Why doesn’t your brother date?” The question comes out of my mouth before it registers with my brain.

Cocking her head, she rolls her eyes and shifts her stool back into place. “I don’t know. He acts like no one’s good enough. He once admitted that he knew who he should be with and was waiting on her.”

My chest tightens. My stomach roils. Is this a heart attack?

“You okay? What’s going on with you two?” She jumps up and slides around the bar, her eyes focused on me. Setting two glasses on the counter, she pours us both red wine.

“Oh, great,” I grunt, turning away as Claire saunters in. A few members sit at the back of the room, giving her appreciative glances. She comes up next to us and helps herself to Kitty’s drink, her lipstick staining the glass. Twirling a finger in Kitty’s hair, she sniggers.

“You’ve always had a quirky personality.”

“Leaving so soon?” I ask sweetly.

“Actually, I’m going home to get a few things. Liam refuses to leave and asked me to stay.”

“You never stay here,” Kitty says, her jaw unhinging.

“Well, he’s my husband, so I guess if he wants me to…”

“What about Rocco?” I watch them like a tennis match, my head swiveling back and forth.

“He’s with my parents for a few days. Who knows, maybe this will become a regular thing. It’s always hard to find quality time at home with a kid.” She winks at Kitty, and it may as well have been a bullet fired. The damage was just as fatal.

Kitty shakes her head and rounds the bar, jabbing a finger over her shoulder. “Shit, I just remembered Keg has an appointment for his shots.” She turns, then shouts back without looking, “I’ll catch you later.”

Claire looks me over again, doing a complete scan from my roots to the tips of my toes. “Who’s Keg?”

“Her kitten.”

Pursing her lips, she squints down at me. “Liam said you’re a vet.”

“I recently finished school, yes.” I swig my wine while keeping eye contact. She won’t rattle me.