Tatiana wiped her hands on her apron. “Okay then.” She glanced back and forth, a bit of nervous apprehension still evident in the furrow between her brows. “Is there something wrong?”

William shook his head. “All good things, Tink. All good things.”

She nodded, her pink tongue sweeping over her red-painted lips. “Would you like something?”

Atticus answered for both of them. “Maybe in a bit, darling. Now will you join us?”

William couldn’t help but smile as he watched Atticus place a hand on Tatiana’s back as she joined them on the other side of the counter, his lover’s protective nature rearing its head. For his part, William sped up to reach the table first, pulling out a chair that Atticus ushered Tatiana to sit in. Once she was sitting, Atticus pushed the chair gently in.

William and Atticus sat on either side of her, and William consciously angled his body to face her. He noticed Atticus do the same.

Atticus placed his hand, palm up, on the table. “Would you be willing to hold my hand, Tatiana?”

William saw her head dip as she placed her hand in his. He smiled.

Atticus swept his thumb back and forth over the back of her hand, his dark eyes tracing the motion. After a prolonged silence, he looked up. “We have retired,” he said, addressing Tatiana. “Well, I have retired, meaning that we are now free to go wherever we would like.”

“Oh.” Tatiana’s voice was hushed.

William shifted forward in his seat. “Now that we are free, we both agree that there is only one place where we would like to be.”

Tati glanced over at him, her wide eyes questioning.

“And in case it isn’t abundantly clear,” Atticus continued, pulling her attention back to him, “that place is, ideally, wherever you are, Tatiana.”

William caught her sharp intake of breath, and couldn’t help himself, reaching out and placing a hand on her lap, letting his fingers squeeze her soft thigh in a gesture of comfort. Of reassurance.

“You have a dream that you are realizing here,” Atticus said. “We do not wish to stand in the way of that. However, if you are open to the possibility, we are very interested in being a part of your life outside of your work.”

William felt a low chuckle form in his throat. “We are a pair of greedy bastards, Tink, so we will take whatever you are willing to give us. If you only want us to be patrons of your shop, then we will be here for lunch every single day that you are open. If you are only interested in casual and infrequent playtime, we will be there at your beck and call. If you are skeptical of the seriousness of our intentions and need time, then we will court you as patiently as you are comfortable with.”

“But if you truly want us,” he continued, “if you share our interest and are ready for an eternity together, then we stand here before you, ready. We are ready to build a home with you, to give you our passion and attention and friendship, if you will have us.”

Tati blinked quickly, and William caught the shine of moisture in the corners of her eyes. “Oh Tink,” he whispered, reaching up with his thumb to wipe at the tear that spilled down her cheek. “Don’t cry.”

She looked between the two of them, uncertainty clear on her face. “Are you sure?”

It was Atticus who responded. “I owe you an apology,” he said, his tone serious. “I should never have pushed you out of our home. Not when it felt like you were meant to be there with us. And you made me the most perfect slice of pie that I had ever eaten in my life or death, Tatiana.” His mouth curved up in a sad smile. “It frightened me, how happy you made William. Howhappy having you there made me. So I am sorry that I did not see it clearly then, that my own fear stood in the way of us standing by your side as you embarked on your dream.”

“So what are you saying?”

Atticus squeezed her hand. “That we are here to stay, if you will have us.”

William saw a glimmer of something shift in her eyes. “And you’re sure?”

“Stop asking that, sweet girl,” Atticus scolded, rising from his seat and pulling her up with him. “Now tell me, where have you put your dream home?”

Tati let out a quiet laugh. “Oh, well. I’ve been busy with the shop.”

“Where are you sleeping, Tink?” William asked, concern tightening his chest.

“I set up a little apartment upstairs,” she said with a shrug. “It’s working out fine for now.”

William glanced at Atticus, catching his frown. The man smoothed a hand over his mouth. “When will you be done for the day?”

Tati glanced outside. “A few more hours. There are some folks who ride their horses in from their cabins later in the afternoon. I like to stay open for them.”

William couldn’t help but smile at that. Their woman, already a part of the community. Already integrated into the region like she was supposed to be here.