She almost laughed. He certainly didn’t need platitudes from a personal assistant.
Or a wife.
“I’ll see you in the morning, then,” he said.
Gemma hesitated, almost ready to confront him, but then shrugged. It was as clear a dismissal as she’d ever heard.
Feeling hurt he hadn’t wanted to spend some time with her, she went straight to her room.
Eyeing the connecting door as she prepared for bed, she wished she still shared the room with him.
What if the INS required a second inspection? Should she raise that point with him? Would he suggest they share a bed to answer any questions again?
No. He’d compared her to Katrina and other women. They all wanted something from him. If she was to pique his interest, she'd better remember that.
Dressing slowly for bed, she tried to envision herself as some fascinating creature who could captivate any man. Maybe because it was so late, but she had difficulty imagining herself as interesting. And in a few months, she’d be a blimp. No one would find her attractive then. Probably not even a devoted husband—which Nikos definitely was not.
She wanted his respect, attention—love.
“Might as well wish for a million dollars,” she mused, climbing into her lonely bed. “It’s as likely to appear as it would be to have him fall wildly in love with me.”
The next week passed at a frantic pace. The meetings with Frank LeBec went on day after day, well into the evening hours. Repeatedly Gemma thought the end was in sight, only to have Nikos balk at a demand or Frank refuse a point. She was kept busy verifying data and statistics, pulling up examples and extrapolating what different compromises would entail.
Whenever they took a break, Nikos would close the two of them in his office and rehash the points they’d made or speculate on what the next counter demand would be. It was exhilarating, but hectic.
By Thursday, she was exhausted. And wondering when the contract would be finalized—if ever. The current one expired soon. While the shipping company could fall back on the same standard longshoreman's contract as negotiated with all other shipping lines, Nikos still wanted better terms.
Gemma sat at the negotiating table watching Nikos, trying to anticipate what he might need to shore up a point or add strength to their bid. But more and more, as the week went on, she slipped into daydreams.
Had she imagined their night in Washington? Had he really said he wanted their marriage to continue? Would they ever grow close enough to share thoughts and dreams?
Or would he always remain distant? A business arrangement that suited him and made her feel alone and left out?
If the pace of the week was a sign, time would pass swiftly being married to Nikos, but somehow it wasn’t the relationship she'd longed for in a marriage.
She wanted the evenings back the way they were during their first week together. Quietly sitting together on the sofa, gazing at the stunning view. Talking, exploring each other’s past. Building routines that'd see them through the years.
She even missed Hal’s cooking. A hasty bagel in the morning was the extent of breakfast. Lunches and dinners were catered in the conference room. And she was too tired when she returned to the apartment each night to do anything but fall into bed.
She was getting cranky. She was so tired. Groaning softly, she wondered when she could escape. Why did Nikos drag the meetings on? LeBec was becoming truculent.
Maybe she could suggest an early day tomorrow and let things simmer over the weekend. Returning fresh Monday morning might be a plan beneficial to both sides. Or they could realize they'd reached an impasse and do something to kick it loose.
Looking around the table, she realized the men were looking at her expectantly.
What had she missed?
“Gemma, you started to say something?” Nikos said.
Making up her mind, she decided to act. One way or another, she needed to get out of the room.
“Actually, I’d like to take a brief break and speak with you, Nikos, if you don’t mind.”
The men rose as she did and she nodded at their manners, sweeping out of the conference room and into Nikos' office. He followed moments later.
His tone was cool, his manner guarded.