Wishing she didn’t feel awkward and uneasy, she finally decided she couldn’t remain in her room forever.
Wandering into the living room, she was disappointed to find she was alone. She thought Nikos would be waiting for her.
Hal appeared as if summoned.
“Would you like something to drink, madam?”
“Do you have any fruit juice?” she asked.
“Certainly. We have orange, apple, cranberry and grape.”
“That’s quite a selection. I’ll have some cranberry juice.”
He inclined his head.
“Nikos said you are expecting, so I made sure we have food and beverages that will be of healthy benefit.”
Flustered, she nodded and watched as he almost glided from the room. It would take some getting used to having a butler. Especially one who seemed to know everything already.
No matter what Nikos said about seeing how long they might wish to continue their marriage, there were too many differences standing between them. The major one being status in life. She knew he was wealthy. But the difference between their lifestyles was becoming clear.
“I like that shirt on you.”
Nikos stood in the opening from the hall.
Gemma turned and smiled, then felt her heart rate increase.
Nikos was wearing dark jeans and a blue polo shirt. The clothes emphasized his slim physique and displayed the muscular chest and arms.
He’d always looked wonderful in his tailored suits. Now he was breathtaking. Sexy and virile and overwhelmingly masculine.
Her fingertips itched to explore that broad chest, to touch him, feel his heat pour into her. Her heart sped up like she’d just run a race.
He came into the room, and her heart skipped a beat.
“Is Hal taking care of you?” he asked.
“He’s bringing me some juice.”
It was with monumental effort she raised her gaze to meet his eyes. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she cleared her throat.
“He knows I’m pregnant?”
“I told him. Just, as I guess from her comment, you told your roommate the truth about our marriage.”
“Susan won’t tell anyone.”
“And if Immigration asks her questions?”
“Why would they?”
“If they suspect this marriage is false, they may question everyone who knows us.”
“She starts her vacation this weekend. She’s going to Mexico for an archaeological dig. Someone will surely decide by the time she gets back. She’s my best friend. She’d have suspected something was weird when I went to work planning to give notice and returned engaged.”
“Your powers of persuasion couldn’t have convinced her you fell madly in love and agreed to my proposal for that purpose?”
She grinned.