Page 10 of An Unexpected Match

Arden spun around and felt her heart skip a beat. He looked as potent as ever. There was definitely a lot to be said for an exquisitely tailored business suit that revealed wide shoulders and cried to be taken off.

Stop it,she admonished herself, banishing fantasies until she was alone and could give free rein to them. She had a job to do.


Was that breathless voice hers? She cleared her throat and took a deep breath.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d be home for supper or not. It won’t be much longer. Avery, Hailey, go give your daddy a hug and a kiss. He can tell you all about his day while I finish making dinner. And you can tell him all we did.”

Brendan looked at the pan on the stove, frowning. “Isn’t dinner ready yet? It’s almost six.”

Arden waved her hand around vaguely.

“Actually, it’s almost ready. Another ten minutes or so. And I doubt anyone will perish if dinner isn’t on the table precisely at six. Do you help set the table, or are the girls supposed to do that?”

“I thought you would. Isn’t that woman’s work?”

Arden froze. Her eyes locked with his, and she felt a stirring of complete disbelief. Her temper simmered. Before she could remember her great-aunt’s admonition to count to ten before giving in to her anger, she spoke.

“Excuse me? Did you say it’swoman’swork?”

Brendan hesitated and then nodded slowly, his attention focused completely on her.

“I don’t believe you said that.”

Slamming the spoon down on the counter, Arden dusted her hands together.

“I can’t believe it. I won’t believe it.”


“That anyone in this day and age would eventhinksomething like that, much lesssayit.Woman’s work?What a sexist remark. If that’s the way you feel, I need to reconsider this position.”

“What’s to reconsider? You signed on for three years. Quitting is not an option. You just started.”

Was there a hint of panic in his voice?

“I did not know I’d be working for a, a, a Neanderthal. Thinking like yours went out during World War Two when women went to work to keep America going while men went off to fight. If you think for one second I could continue working for anyone who thinks like that, you’re nuts. Obviously, you misled me in the interview.”

“Whoa, time out.”

He stepped closer, crunching his way through dried spaghetti noodles. Frowning, he walked around his daughters until he was close to Arden.

“I meant nothing by it. I thought–”

“Ha. That makes it even worse. You just say things like that and not mean them?”

Brendan shook his head, rubbing his hand over his face. Looking at her again, he took a deep breath, obviously controlling himself.

“Let’s start over. I thought you’d set the table based on the fact Ella did every time. If you want me to, I will.”

“And who did it before that?” she asked, hands on her hips.

He hesitated a moment and glanced at the girls who were ignoring the exchange, busy playing their new game.

He met her eyes again.

“When the girls’ mother was alive, she always did. Lannie said a man had enough to do with bringing home the bacon. She enjoyed taking care of the house. It was all she ever wanted.”