Page 6 of Texas Temptation

“Shall I take the boy into the back so you can talk to the mother when she wakens?” she asked practically.

“I can’t leave Mommy,” Caleb protested.

“Your Mommy’s going to be fine,” Cade said, standing. “Let her rest for a few minutes. Rosita can give you a cookie and some milk. I bet you’re hungry.”

Caleb seemed to consider the offer.

“I am hungry. We didn’t get lunch yet. Can I have lunch?” Caleb asked.

“Sure thing. Rosita, would you?”

When the housekeeper led the little boy away, he reached for the phone. It rang directly into the office.

“Yes, boss?” Penny answered, recognizing the inter-ranch line.

“Before you leave, call Paul Nance for me. I have a young woman who fainted in the entryway. She seems to have a fever and difficulty breathing. See if he thinks we need to bring her into emergency.”

“Will do.”

Penny disconnected. Cade almost smiled. Nothing fazed Penny. Not a stranger collapsing in the house, or anything else that happened around the ranch. She was as invaluable here as she was in the Dallas office. What was he going to do with her gone for who knew how long?

And she didn’t know how long she’d be gone. Penny had already called the local employment agency to send a temp, but Cade knew it wouldn’t be easy working with a stranger.

The woman stirred. Good. If she came to, he could send her on her way, with a suggestion she stop off at the doctor’s in town. One problem solved.

The phone rang just as those gray eyes opened again.

“Everett,” Cade responded when he picked up.

“Cade? Heard you have someone who might need medical help,” Paul’s voice came across the line. He and Cade had gone to high school together. Paul had then gone to study medicine while Cade had specialized in business. Their paths didn’t cross often these days, but the bond of friendship remained strong.

“I think she’s coming out of it. Hold on,” Cade squatted again beside the sofa, his eyes almost on a level with hers.

“Are you feeling better?” he asked.

Slowly, she blinked and stared at him.

“What happened?”

Her gaze darted around the room, confusion clear.

“Where’s Caleb?”

A hint of panic sounded in her voice. She tried to sit up, but Cade put his hand on her shoulder and pressed her back against the cushions.

“He’s fine, in with Rosita, having lunch. It’s you we’re concerned with. You fainted.”

“Fainted? I never faint.” She rubbed her forehead. “I don’t feel too well.”

Cade put the receiver back to his ear.

“She’s awake and lucid. I think the crisis has passed. I’ll send her in to see you. Thanks for calling back.”

“No problem. Let me know if you need anything.”

Cade hung up the phone and rose to his full height. At over six feet, she had a long way to look up. The confusion hadn’t left her expression.

“You are not Cade Cullen Everett,” she mumbled.