Did he expect Sam to sweep in and take her and Caleb off with him? She was sure his wife would have something to say to that.
Everything was a mess. Slowly, she crossed the room and eased down on the bed. Too distraught for tears, she gazed dried-eyed off into the darkness, wondering what was the best thing to do.
She and Caleb couldn’t stay, not now. Knowing Cade didn’t really love her, didn’t really want to marry her, awkward didn’t begin to describe how she felt.
They’d have to return to Florida. The sooner the better. Before any further plans were made or any further action taken for a wedding that would never take place.
In the morning. They’d leave in the morning.
Sometime later, Cade knocked softly on her door. Jordan didn’t move. Even if he opened the door, he’d see the room was dark and assume she was asleep. After a moment, she heard him move away.
Goodbye, she silently called after him.Goodbye, my love.
Jordan slept fitfully during the night. When dawn lightened the sky, she rose, and went to shower and change. Sleeping in her clothes had been uncomfortable, but she’d hardly noticed.
Once dressed in fresh clothes, she quietly set about packing. She’d done this before, only this time there’d be no man standing in the doorway asking her to stay.
She almost cringed, remembering how happy she’d been when he’d asked her to marry him.
Why hadn’t she realized at the time it was the third choice? He’d first offered her a job, then a chance at schooling. She still didn’t understand why he felt he had to marry her, but she wished she’d gone with her instincts at the time that, as a proposal, it had fallen a little short of perfection.
She’d noticed when buying the rings. But she’d wanted it too much to pay attention to obvious signs. Just as she had five years ago when Aunt Maggie warned her to be careful. She was too trusting and too impetuous. Maybe this time she’d learn that lesson.
Her car was parked in the back. When she heard Caleb moving around, she went to get him dressed and then sent him down to see about breakfast. Rosita loved pampering him. Let him have one last meal before they departed. Once he scampered down the stairs, she quickly packed his things.
She wrote a brief note and left it in the study, where Cade would see it. She assured him she would repay the cost of the surgery and thanked him for all he’d done for them both.
Taking both suitcases to the car, she put them in the trunk, fairly certain no one had seen her.
She joined Caleb for breakfast, complimenting Rosita on her cooking, and thanking her for all she’d done for them.
“My pleasure. If things don’t go the way you want, you must tell me. A woman takes more interest in how her own house is run than a man, I think. You’ll be in charge. I do hope you will keep me on.”
Jordan nodded, knowing there would never be a change. Even if Rosita didn’t run things perfectly, Jordan wouldn’t be here to notice.
“You run this home, Rosita. Nothing will ever change that,” Jordan said, knowing how true it was.
After breakfast, Jordan took Caleb outside.
“We need to have a talk, Caleb. And we need to drive in our car,” she said.
Jordan had to get his car seat from Cade’s sedan, and she almost held her breath lest someone see her and ask what she was doing, but the ranch was quiet. The cowboys were out on the range, and Cade and Penny were in the office on the other side of the house. Amelia rarely came over to the big house until closer to lunchtime.
Jordan would miss her. She regretted not being able to tell her goodbye. But she dare not risk it. She’d write and make sure Caleb sent a picture or something.
As they drove down the driveway, Jordan did all she could to keep her feelings numb. Turning her back on the man she loved was the hardest thing she had ever done. But she couldn’t live where love didn’t bloom.
By the time they stopped for the night, Jordan’s stoicism had broken. Once a cranky, confused and unhappy Caleb was asleep, she took a shower and cried until the water ran cold. Slipping into her nightshirt, she climbed into bed, falling asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.
She hated leaving, but hated the thought of living with Cade when he didn’t love her even more. Had he been bailing her out as he obviously was used to doing with his cousin? She refused to be a burden.
The next morning, she felt groggy and cranky herself. Her eyes were swollen from her crying and her energy level flagging. But her determination never wavered.
She pushed on eastward, despite Caleb’s demands to return to the ranch. She tried over and over to explain to him they had to return home, but he was inconsolable. He wanted to see Cade, to see Amelia, to play with the dogs and pet the horses. To learn to ride and get his own pony. And learn to become a cowboy.
Through Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama she drove, trying to ignore her son’s tearful pleas, and the demands of her own heart.