Page 45 of Texas Temptation

“I’m ready to head for the hotel,” he whispered in her ear. “How about you?”

“If you want.”

Disappointment crashed down. He’d only done a duty dance. Now that it ended, he wanted to leave. She’d been fooling herself for too long. Time for a reality check.

Cade urged the others to stay. With a few last-minute instructions to his colleagues, they said goodbye. In the morning, Cade and Jordan would return to Texas.

To Jordan’s surprise, when they reached the hotel, Cade stopped her as she headed for the elevator.

“They have a dance floor in the lower level bar of the hotel. Care to have a nightcap and dance a little longer?”

“I thought you were tired.”

Jordan couldn’t hide her surprise. Or the sudden surge of happiness that swept through her.

“Actually, I wanted to ditch the others and thought that excuse was a diplomatic way to handle it—and hopefully not give rise to gossip.”

“Why would there be gossip?”

“Anyone looking at us dancing together would immediately suspect we are something more than boss and PA.”

“They would?” Her heart kicked into high speed. “Why?”

“Because there is something more, and only a blind man would miss it. Dance?”

“Yes, please.”

The dance floor in the hotel bar was almost empty. Only two other couples took advantage of the hotel’s ensemble. When Cade swept her into his arms, Jordan knew she never wanted the night to end. Caleb and her job and her life in Florida seemed to fade into the background. The evening had taken a surreal aspect, as if she were new and free and floating on gossamer wings. Cade filled her senses, setting her aflame with what could be, what might be.

She loved Cade Everett. It differed from anything she’d ever experienced. And much stronger and more mature than the feelings she once thought she had for Caleb’s father.

She loved dancing with Cade. Every brush of his body put hers on high alert. Every caress with his fingertips on the bare skin of her back had erotic images dancing in her mind and cranked up the awareness another notch.

She loved talking with him, hearing his views on issues, feeling the soft laughter when something stuck him funny—which was rare. He more often had a lurking sadness in his eyes. She cherished the amusement when she saw it, happy she could put it there.

She loved being with him, to savor the moments, to explore the scant time they had together before it all ended.

She felt like Cinderella at the ball, only there would be no magic glass slipper, no happily ever after ending. Her prince wasn’t searching for a wife, but mourning one.

And she didn’t have a fairy tale godmother. One look at her situation would convince anyone of that.

But like Cinderella must have done at the ball, Jordan cherished every second. At least she’d have the memories to last all her days.

It was late when they finally moved to the elevators. Jordan felt wrapped in a time warp, almost afraid to say anything lest the mood shatter and she had to face reality. A few more moments until she was in bed and she could relive each moment of the evening, imprinting it on her mind to remember forever.

“I had such a wonderful time,” she said dreamily as the elevator doors closed. “I think I love LA”

He pulled her against him in the empty elevator, his arm on her shoulder, his fingers rubbing light circles on her shoulder.

“Better than Tumbleweed?” he asked.

“Mmmm, maybe not. I like the ranch, Amelia, Rosita.”

She stopped before she said too much.

When they reached the suite, Cade opened the door. The lights had been turned off, only the sparkling lights beyond the window illuminated the room.

“How pretty,” Jordan exclaimed at the sweep of lights as far as the eye could see.