“Fine. Have Cade call me when he’s free.”
Jordan quickly recopied the pages, saving to a new file on the computer. This she attached to the email to the LA employee.
She wanted to do a good job to justify Cade’s helping her with the operation, but she felt foolish not being able to handle a simple thing like scanning a few pages. With such incompetence, would he reconsider her working for him?
She wrote up the message and added the pink note to the growing stack. How did he have time to talk to all these people every day and still get other work done?
She looked up from her work and studied the man. He seemed tired, though he was still immaculately turned out. He glanced up just then and caught her gaze, holding it for a full minute. Jordan’s heart pounded. She felt a fluttery awareness rise just as it had last night.
It was after eleven when Jordan tidied her desk to prepare for leaving. Through Cade’s Dallas office, an appointment had been made with the specialist at two o’clock in downtown Dallas. Jordan wanted plenty of time to locate the doctor’s offices.
Cade hung up the phone and walked out to the outer office, checking his watch.
“We should leave soon. We can grab a bite of lunch on the way.”
Was she missing something? Where was Cade going?
“I’m driving you and Caleb into Dallas.”
Jordan was confused.
“I can manage. You have work to do.”
Besides, she almost added, you want nothing to do with my child, or any child, you’ve made that clear.
“I worked last night, caught up on everything important. The phone calls can wait. I’ll drop you off, pick you up when you’re ready to leave. Paul said the exam and tests would take about two hours. I’ll stop by the Dallas office while you are at the doctor’s.”
“I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”
His driving would mean she didn’t have to chance her old car, didn’t have to figure out where to go in a strange city, didn’t have to worry about parking.
It also meant she could devote her attention to Caleb if he became nervous or upset. She was grateful to Cade for his offer.
Even more grateful when she was settled in the front seat of the luxury sedan he drove. Despite the humid heat, the temperature remained cool thanks to the environmental control. The tinted windows made it easier to watch the unfolding scenery as they sped quickly toward the city. The sun shone in a cloudless sky. It was such a difference from the rainy day she’d arrived. She took advantage to watch the landscape as it flew by.
Caleb had brought one of his books and was buckled into his car seat, happy to look at the pictures.
Jordan knew it’d take a while to reach Dallas. Was she supposed to keep quiet or make small talk? She fidgeted with her purse strap, uncertain how to behave. Normally, she was friendly and found it easy to talk with people, but Cade was different.
“How far from the doctor’s office are your Dallas offices?” she finally asked, the silence too much to bear.
“Only a few blocks. I’ll give you the office phone number. If you finish earlier than expected, call me. I can be there quickly.”
“We could walk to the offices, give us a chance to see something of Dallas.”
“No need. It’s going to be hot, and your son would probably wilt in the heat.”
“His name is Caleb,” she said, wondering if she’d ever heard Cade call him by name.
“Caleb. He’s five?”
“He’ll be five his next birthday, but he’s only four right now.”
“Tall for his age.”
“His father was tall.”