“If he’s going to be okay, why the tears? Was there a complication, after all?”
“No, it was just the relief,” she said, trying to staunch the new flow of tears with the bunched up tissue.
Cade had left work to come because he thought she needed him. The knowledge overwhelmed her. No one had ever done that for her before. Tears were the only way to relieve the tension that filled her.
“Here.” he thrust a clean handkerchief into her hand.
As she blotted her eyes, he pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her. Jordan had never felt so safe. She leaned slightly against him, relishing his arms holding her, the steady, comforting beat of his heart beneath her ear, the feeling that life would go on and she would make it.
All from being held in his embrace.
How lucky Marissa had been to have such a wonderful man for her husband. For a long moment, she drew strength from him. Then Jordan drew a shaky breath and stepped back, breaking his hold. She couldn’t allow her boss to hold her. It wasn’t right.
Not only that, she was enjoying it too much. She needed to keep some distance between them. He had done so much for them. She didn’t want him to think she expected anything further.
She had to remind herself she worked for him. Temporarily. When Penny returned, Jordan would be on her way back to Florida before she could say order-up.
The thought was depressing, but she clung to it and put some distance between them.
“Thank you for coming. I really am a silly goose to be so teary when the news is good. But it’s such a relief,” she said.
Cade gestured to the chair, and Jordan sat. He perched on the arm and asked what she’d been told about Caleb’s recovery.
When learning that once Caleb recovered from the anesthetic he’d still be groggy and most likely go right back to sleep, Cade insisted she go to the hotel later to get a good night’s rest.
“I wanted to stay here.”
“He’ll be asleep, Jordan. He won’t even know if you’re here or not. We’ll be less than five minutes away and can come in an instant if there is a need. But if he sleeps through the night, it’ll give you time to sleep as well. You’ll want to be rested for tomorrow.”
She studied her son as Cade studied her. It was only early afternoon, yet she already looked tired. She needed rest to keep her energy up. And to eat more. Had she and Amelia had lunch?
He rose, intent on finding his aunt and making sure she took care of Jordan.
She drew her gaze from Caleb to look at him.
“Are you leaving?”
“Do you want me to stay?”
Hesitating, she shook her head.
“No, I’m fine. There’s nothing you can do.”
He knew that. But for an instant, he wished there was something he could do to help. To shelter her from the trials and tribulations of life. He didn’t want to analyze that protective streak too closely.
The thought surprised him. He didn’t normally go into a protective mode for other people. Jordan lived her entire life until a couple of weeks ago without his help. She’d do fine without it in the future.
He was growing too involved with her and her son.
Losing Marissa and Vicki had been almost more than one man could stand. He refused to put his emotions on the line a second time. Getting involved with women, and especially children, was risky. Getting involved with this woman wasn’t in the cards. She’d come looking for someone else. She was still searching for the man she’d loved enough to make a child with. He wasn’t that man.
And he couldn’t offer any woman what she’d want—a devoted husband, father to her children, a future. The risk of further heartache was too great. Once in a lifetime was all he could endure.
“I’ll check with Aunt Amelia and return to work. Call me if you need me.”
She nodded and tried to smile.
“Thanks for coming over. Sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing.”