Raul recovers first. “What’s happening?” he asks.
Shaking my head to clear it, I dash to my laptop to confirm what I know has happened. My “Russian dolls” program has done its job, and it’s gathering all the data I need to pinpoint where we can find the Fox. With a satisfied smile, I leave it to finish the job and go back to Raul, who’s still strung up on the cross, looking sexy as fuck.
My smile widens as I stand before him.
“It’s over.”
“Define over,” he says.
I simplify my explanation. “I locked them out of the network.”
“But I thought he caught your Trojan horse.”
He looks baffled, which is adorable while still in such a compromising position. I find it interesting he didn’t tell me to release him first.
I get on my knees to unbuckle his right ankle. “Except my program isn’t a Trojan horse. It’s like one of those Russian dolls, y’know. You keep finding a smaller doll inside the bigger doll. By design, they caught the first one, but by doing it, they unraveled a string of smaller dolls, so to speak. I needed them to continue their connection with us so the rest of my program could infiltrate their system without them the wiser,” I elaborate.
“Astuto,” he says under his breath.
His praise makes me smile proudly.
“Yes, pretty crafty, if I say so myself.”
That’s also the second I realize my face is right at his magnificent and still quite erect cock, despite the interruption. My mouth waters, and I lick my lips at the sight of the appetizing display. Shit, playing Mistress Kat to Raul’s Toro must’ve been the hottest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Though he was supposed to be my tortured soul, my eager kitty was suffering along with him.
Raul reminds me of my task. “Kitty, are you going to unstrap me?”
I force my gaze up to meet his again. “You were about to say something before Fox interrupted us. What was it?” I ask. “Were you about to ask me for something?”
“Are you asking as Mistress Kat, Kitty, or…?”.
“Who were you going to ask?” I return the question.
The sound of heavy metal moving makes both of us jump. My head turns to the vault door, and the circular handle rotates. I quickly finish unbuckling Raul’s ankles and wrists, then throw him his clothes. I might’ve frozen Fox, but we don’t know whothe mole is at Club Wonderland. We need to stay vigilant. There’s still a security risk to deal with.
Raul just manages to pull his pants over his ass when the heavy metal door opens. Oracle and a tall, muscular man enter the room—their masked faces, stoic. I’m not sure who the man is, but if I have to guess, he’s one of Kane’s right-hand men and Oracle’s protectors.
“Are you both all right?” Oracle asks.
The man-in-charge returns. “Yes. Who the hell locked us in here?” Raul questions sharply.
The man accompanying Oracle takes a step forward in response to Raul’s brusqueness. Oracle places a hand on his arm to restrain him. I give Raul a warning glance, reminding him to watch himself. We don’t want to be on the Kane Family’s bad side.
“We think we figured out who they are. There are interlopers in our midst. They created a minor problem in the ballroom to distract me from what we were doing in here. Before I even made it there, my men told me Fox had moved the goal post and locked you in this chamber,” she explains.
“Were you able to see us?” I ask.
Oracle nods. “We couldn’t hear any audio. Only the footage and Fox’s messages. What happened in here?”
“Toro challenged Fox, and the sick bastard retaliated by threatening to release the videos unless we played a game with him,” I summarize as I scan through the results on my machine. “I don’t know who Fox is, but I can give you their location. You’ll need to move fast because they know they’re fucked.”
“I have people tracking down an employee in security and another in ground maintenance, who managed to cheat our vetting process,” the nameless man says, looking furious that their sanctuary has been invaded. “Their information turned outto be very good fakes. We’ll get to the bottom of this, but we know Fox was seeking revenge.”
Neither Raul nor I ask any further questions because we really don’t want to get involved. But at least I know for sure based on the data I scraped Oracle and her team seem to be on the right path.
“Kitty says all the videos have been erased by her program that destroyed Fox, but you should do a thorough sweep to rid of the cameras,” Raul suggests. He runs a hand over the structure of the suspension frame but finds nothing. Then he moves on to inspect the wall and ceiling when he freezes. Reaching up into a recessed light, he yanks at a tiny camera no bigger than a button. Whoever installed it has connected it to the light cable. “Make sure you check all the light fixtures or chandeliers,” he adds.