Page 22 of The Pixies' Chosen

Tryst glances at it as our female makes an obscenely happy, slurping sound, and shrugs. “A sort of holiday treat from what I understand. Or at least the human who dropped it seemed to be enjoying eating them from what I could see so I snatched it out of the air for her.”

I blink at him, pleasure warming in my chest. That is more words than he has spoken to me in days. But then I focus in on what he actually said and frown. He is feeding our mate leavings from a random human. How… unsanitary. My upper lip curls slightly and his dark eyes light with amusement before closing with a small shiver when she moans and slurps loudly.

“Canthi cohrn,” Ammayi replies, her words muffled by her mouth stretching lewdly around the tip of the kernel in ways that makes my cocks ache if her little sounds had not already done it.

I shake my head, banishing the illicit image so not to torture myself further. “Corn?” I echo in disbelief as I decipher at least that word.

What sacrilege is this? It is certainly not corn. The morsel possesses nothing more than a shape that is vaguely like a kernel but that is where the similarities end. Beyond that, it also seems to possess a strange softness in addition to its odd color as Ammayi’s teeth dig into it, her lips alternately sucking lasciviously at its tip. Her mouth suddenly pops off it and she licks at it with her pink tongue, sending a bolt of desire straight to my groin.

Merciful gods, help me.

“Candy corn,” she repeats with an impish grin. At my confused look, her smile grows wider. “You know—pure sugar dressed up in autumn colors.”

“Sugar… you are feeding her sugar?” I demand as I spin toward Tryst, my wings snapping open with indignation. Even raw honey can have a terrible effect on a pixie’s small body in such large quantity. I cannot even image what this garbage is doing. “This is the last time I trust you with hunting,” I growl.

Tryst’s brow plates rise as he regards me humorously. “It is obviously edible. Besides, she is enjoying it. She has missed out on enough of her holiday fun.”

Our queen nods in affirmation as she continues to lick and nibble at the kernel, her lips glossy with a sticky sheen.

My eyes narrow at him. “It is not an appropriate meal. At most, a small amount could have been shaved off and shared with her instead of… this,” I argue as I snatch the kernel from her hands, saving her from the bellyache to come. “Thiswill make her sick.”

My nose wrinkles as I peer down at it. There is a vague scent of marsh mallow root but everything else is sickening, right down the copious stickiness now covering the entire kernel from her attempts to gnaw on it. Really, why would he not have thought to cut it down into something more manageable for her. With its current state, I am not certain how much of it is even worth saving—but I can try.

“Hey! That’s mine,” she objects. “Give it back.”

My wings flick unconcerned with the note of outrage in her voice as I turn away with mind to find a way to shave off anything salvageable and dispose of the rest. I am therefore unprepared and utterly startled at the sound of a feminine growl just seconds before a small, soft body slams into mine, sending us both toppling to the table’s hard surface.

My arms snap upward in surprise, my wings spreading in an instinctive attempt to catch my body despite the force of the weight dragging me downward. I shout with surprise as I fall but at the last a minute I automatically turn so that most of the blow lands along my wings and back to cushion her fall as much as possible as we drop. It quickly proves to be a badly calculated move, however. Not only does the fall knock the candy from my grasp, my claws gouging it in the process, but my cocks surge with their sudden engorgement when her plump breasts, hips, belly, and thighs writhe against me as she attempts to scramble up my body after it.

My eyes widen and shoot to the candy as it rolls clattering across the table. Tryst leaps for it but it topples over the edge, falling to the floor below. I roll to a crouch as Ammayi shoots to her feet and hurries to Tryst’s side with a sound of dismay. They stand there at the edge of the table, staring down at the candy corn as I join them, my wings fluttering helplessly at the look of disappointment on our queen’s face, her expression wavering with tears bright in her eyes.

My wings slump. This was not what I intended.

“Nice going,” Tryst says to me, his eyes hardening to flint blades as he glowers at me. He suddenly grunts, however, when Ammayi’s elbow jabs him in the belly, briefly stuttering his shimmer.

“Be nice,” she says in a wobbling voice that makes me feel even lower than low. She dashes a hand across her eyes and sniffles. “It’s just candy. No sense in crying over candy. Bad candy at that,” she adds with a watery laugh that sounds more like a sob to my ears.

My wings flick and I peer over at her, deflating more by the moment. Even my cocks which were hard and eager moments earlier have become flaccid with her tears.

“I am sorry, Ammayi,” I murmur. “Tryst is right to reprimand me. This… this is not what I intended. I only meant to see what could be saved to cut down into smaller, safer portions.”

Blinking rapidly, she peers over at me in surprise. “Why didn’t you just say so? I admit that I was enjoying it but I’m not a child. As fun as trying to eat it was, I wouldn’t have fought you on it.”

And now I feel worse.

“I did not think,” I admit. “I just reacted. I apologize,” I repeat, setting my hand on her shoulder. “I can go look for another.”

“I’m not sure if you c—” her eyes fall to my hand and widen with pleasure. I follow her gaze and see the thick crust of candy clinging to my claws. “Havoc,” she breathes, her lips caressing my name in ways that sends renewed interest through my body, “don’t get the wrong idea but… can I lick your claws?”

Desire surges through me as I stare down at her in shock, barely hearing Tryst’s chuckle.

“Of course you can,” my hive brother purrs, and he grins wickedly when my eyes shoot up to him in surprise. “He wanted to replace the candy anyway, so this seems to be the best solution. Havoc can just lay in the bed while you enjoy yourself.”

My mouth parts as a protest rises to my lips only to be quashed by a sudden flush of intrigue. Her mouth… on my fingers… on my claws. My mind circles with disbelief as I feel Tryst nudge me and before I know it, I am obediently reclining in the bed as Ammayi’s warm, human body comes flush against mine. The heat of her mouth closing over my fingertip and claw, however, makes me close my eyes with the pleasure that ignites and roars through me with every gentle tug of her lips and stroke of her tongue.

I tremble at the touch, pleasure winding in me tighter and tighter as she takes each digit into her mouth, sucking and nibbling as her body rubs subtly against mine. My cocks are once again hard against my belly, and I quiver as I feel my sap rise and heat coiling within my belly as my shimmer brightens. By the time her lips close around my last finger, I am unable to withhold the climax that rushes through me with a groan as I release stream after hot stream against my clothing and down my thighs. My cocks are still twitching as the warmth of her lips drag off my finger with a pleased sigh.

A sigh I echo as my body goes lax under Tryst’s knowing gaze. What exquisite torture. My eyes lift to meet his and I swear I see a spark of warmth and humor within those depths before he turns away with a flick of his wings, leaving me to deal with my mess as he draws Ammayi from the bed.