Page 72 of Ride With Me

“Yeah, you little shit!” the man barked. “Now open this goddamn door or else?—”

“Oh, hey there!” Bishop grinned as he unchained the door. “What? Lookin’ for your wife? Is that right?”

“What the fuck are you doing?” Blue hissed.

“We gotta help this fella find his wife!” Bishop swung the door open, still completely naked except for the lamp cord around his neck and the lamp dragging behind him.

The man stared in shock.

“You wanna come on in and check ’round?” Bishop offered with a friendly smile that was more than a bit unhinged. “Come on! Maybe she’s under the bed! Maybe hidin’ over here in the shower? Hey!” He turned around and bent over, giving the man an explicit view of his ass as he peered into the adjacent bathroom. “We can go look together!”

“No!” The man retreated. “Wrong… Wrong room.” He turned and ran. “Wrong room!”

Bishop cackled, shutting the door with a triumphant howl. “Damn, did you see the look on his fuckin’ face?”

“What in the actual fuck was that?” Blue stared.

“What? Made ’im go away, now didn’t it?” Bishop booped Blue’s nose. “I saw you gettin’ all murdery eyes with ’im, and this ain’t the time or place to get stabby, baby. I like this hotel real good and I wanna be able to come back.”

“Wow.” Blue scoffed. “You might actually be insane.”

“I mean, I do kill people, so…Yes.” Bishop nodded. “That might be possible. But I like big hot tubs too. So, ya know, priorities.”

Blue snorted out a laugh, reaching up to untangle the cord from Bishop’s neck. “That’s all right. It’s part of your charm.”

Bishop grabbed Blue’s hips. “Oh? Ya think I’m charmin’, huh?”

“Hey, that is not what I said?—”

“You think I’m charmin’ and handsome and you wanna ride all over the country with me, jumpin’ on my dick and snugglin’ with me while we talk ’bout murderin’ people.”

Blue blushed. “Shut up.” He kissed Bishop firmly just so he’d be quiet.

Though the thought of traveling with Bishop and sleeping with him again did have a certain appeal, Blue wasn’t going to say that out loud.

“I guess I could travel with you for a little while,” Blue said instead, aiming for a casual tone even as he shivered from Bishop’s hands fanning across his lower back. “Might try to kill you again though.”

“You can sure try if ya want to.” Bishop beamed. “That was kinda fun.”

“You really are nuts.”

“Yeah, but I’m alsolotsof fun.”


Bishop cackled and kissed Blue, scooping him off the floor. “C’mon!”

“Put me down!” Blue snarled. “What are you doing?”

“Carryin’ you like a pretty lil’ princess so’s I can take you over to that there hot tub and probably fuck ya ’gain before we pass out.” Bishop laughed. “Whatcha think ’bout that?”

Blue sighed, sagging in Bishop’s arms since the hot tub was exactly where he wanted to go anyway. His legs were sore and his feet still hurt from walking all day. “I think if you throw in some food, that actually sounds tolerable.”

“We can order some pizza or somethin’ if ya want. What kind you like?”

“Pineapple, mushroom, and black olives.”

“Wow.” Bishop blinked. “Are you fuckin’ serious?”