“If at any time you change your mind, say ‘Red’ or tap me where you can reach twice.” Duncan nodded as he said. “I’msure of you, Aaron, but thank you all the same.” The heated look he got for his answer. “You said you’ve used toys. What kind?” Duncan shifted from the intense stare he was on the receiving end of. “Mostly dildos. I can take a couple of fingers, personally I like to just open myself up on a decent-sized toy. I have to really be in the mood to wait to be worked slowly with my fingers.I don’t mind fingering to play or get off, but not to get ready for a cock.”
Aaron breathed deeply at the shot of lust that sent through him. Sliding a hand down the inside of a tense thigh, he asked for clarification, “So you’re saying you want me to just start pushing in? No prep?” Licking his lips in anticipation, Duncan rasped out as he stretched his arms up to wrap his fingers around the top edge of the mattress. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Aaron’s hand tightened in reflex where they were gripping Duncan’s hips, then his thighs. The feeling of the pressure was fantastic and Duncan’s breath stuttered as his soon to be lover spread his legs completely apart. Having never been in this position with a man, he felt exposed; almost vulnerable but it was exciting too. Fingers moving gently over his balls on their journey had him brushing off the thoughts and returning all attention to the moment.
Aaron loved mapping this willing body with his hands and fingers. While there were so many muscles, the skin was completely smooth. A thought occurred to him and out of curiosity, asked. “Do you wax?” Duncan stared down at him from his position further up the bed, brow starting to furrow. “Yes, I have for a few years now.” Making sure to catch his eyes, he stated “I find it incredibly hot. It’s a personal choice.” Grabbing the lube he went on, “I’m not aware of your sex drive, I can get hard pretty often and cum almost as often. If at any time you need to tap out, let me know.” At the nod of agreement and “I’ve got a pretty high libido too, but I will tell you.”
The clicking of the lube cap had Duncan humming softly. He watched eagerly as Aaron spread it over his cock before slicking up two fingers. “I know you said no finger prep, but I am still going to push in some lube for comfort.” Duncan smiled softly in understanding before it was replaced with excitement as those thick fingers rubbed the substance over the rim of his asshole before they were pushed in. Keeping to his word, Aaron quickly removed his digits without attempting to stretch him. Shifting to a better position between the other man’s legs, Aaron adjusted his cock and began pressing the broad head against the waiting hole, then slowly inside. Keeping an eye on his progress he tried not to glance too much at Duncan’s face to check for any change in expression. He wanted to believe the man would tell him if he needed to stop, but as they had not been intimate before today, he kept glancing.
The burn was a slight, almost nonexistent feeling, but welcome all the same. Duncan shuddered as Aaron leaded forward to place both hands on his chest, holding him to the bed. Giving up control like this, being able to put that trust in his partner, and seeing this example of effortless strength was such a turn-on. His cock jerked, leaking a bit as it smacked against his abdomen leaving a smear behind. “If you need me to move off of you, just tap or use your word.” “Okay.” was the only reply and all he needed to hear.
Aaron started to rock slowly into the hole, sliding deeper with each thrust. Duncan’s grip tightened on the mattress at the intense sensation. The care he was being shown made his eyes burn slightly, causing him to close his eyes for a moment. Aaron paused. “Are you okay, Duncan? Do I need to stop?” Eyes flying open, his met worried brown eyes. “No, no, I’m good. You’re just being very caring and I’m not really used to it.” Aaron stared a moment longer, not seeing any change. When Duncan clenchedaround him, he slid one hand down from his chest and cupped his hip. Sliding in completely, he tightened his hold slightly.
Pulling out, he grinned down at his eager bed partner and snapped his hips forward bottoming out in a hard thrust. Duncan shouted and clenched before wiggling his hips a bit. “Fuck that felt great.” That set the pace. Duncan groaned as the sensation started to overwhelm him several moments later. Aaron had picked up his speed a bit more, the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room. His orgasm raced out of nowhere, having him shoot his load as he squeezed tightly around the cock plowing him. Aaron only moaned at the pressure, needing a few more strokes before he too found his release with a shout.
Panting, Aaron slid to the side so he landed beside him on the bed, grinning over, he rasped out, “That was fantastic, but I’m a bit worn out from today. Give me a bit and we can try going again.” Duncan smiled before pushing himself up to press a soft kiss to his mouth. Leaning down, Aaron grabbed a towel from earlier, still a bit damp from the shower, and started to clean them up. Once he had tossed it toward the hamper in the corner, he stretched out beside his companion and then paused in the middle of situating. “You don’t mind cuddling do you?” Grabbing the hand that was frozen midair, Duncan wrapped it around his waist as they settled into a spoon. “I happen to enjoy it.” Settling in both men fell asleep completely worn out.
It wasn’t so muchthe beam of the sun smacking him in the face that caused Duncan to start leaving the plane of exhausted sleep, even though it was from the wrong direction, but the long hard length of heat pressed up against his back. Depending on how you looked at it, it was either very late or super early when he and his very delectable bed partner had managed to fall into a well-worn slumber.
The flex of the muscular forearm currently draped around his waist clued Duncan into his new friend waking up. Muscles tensed as the loose grip tightened, pulling him back into the warm, massive chest behind him. The slightly rough brush of new day stubble against the side of his neck just below his jaw pulled a surprised laugh from him.
The more awake he gets, the more Duncan starts to notice the pleasant ache in certain muscles he hadn’t thought about before. As he continued to lay back against the strong, powerful body, Duncan couldn’t help but notice the lack of tension he normally felt after waking in someone else’s bed. He often left not long after the deed was done, but he was pretty confident he had been fucked and fucked well, within an inch of his life many, many times all night long. While he had not been withvery many men, last night was the first time he had not only been the bottom but also felt special. He was not the least bit disappointed by the experience.
Memories of the night came to the surface that led to his current situation causing a flush to spread across his face and crawl down his neck. Shifting in the other man’s secure, but gentle grip, Duncan turned to take in the man who seemed content to continue cuddling. While he was being held firmly, he didn’t feel restrained at all, but rather safe. Getting lost in a pair of soft cinnamon-colored eyes, it took Duncan to recall the name he had moaned, whispered, whimpered, and even called out multiple times the night before.Aaronfloated from nowhere as the spell holding him captive in this little staring contest broke when the man blinked. The crinkles that formed at the corners of those warm brown eyes as a smile pulled at the edges of full kissable lips very nearly took Duncan’s breath away.
“Morning,” Aaron rasps out, voice still heavy and thick from the last remnants of sleep as his eyes seem to take in as much of Duncan’s face as possible as if trying to memorize it.
Unable to help himself, Duncan leans into the touch of thick, callused fingers lightly carding through the loose curls at the base of his neck.
“Morning,” Duncan responds softly, feeling as if speaking much louder would break the moment. Not sure exactly what was going on, but enjoying the warmth the mood was giving.
He can’t think of ever having these feelings before from the morning after. Normally the other person was getting dressed to leave with very little conversation or any real acknowledgement. Duncan tries not to get attached to the people he hooks up with, but it can be hard. His most common routine is to sit and chat with the other person for a while before even thinking about bringing them back to his apartment. It rarely happens anymore and he can’t remember the last hook-up he had had in the lastten or so months. A man could only stand hearing he was too needy, clingy, or even too much so many times before figuring he was the problem and choosing to step out of the dating or one-off pool for a while.
This time though, he can’t help not just feel the pull of this big, strong man laying next to him, but to grab on with both hands. Those deceptively gentle hands grasp him gently, caressing him. Duncan wishes he never had to leave. They had had a fantastic night and seemed to have a connection of some kind, but he refused to allow himself any assumptions and enjoyed what time he got.
Time seems to just drift around the two men as they lay there, the moment is finally broken as a deep sigh gets pulled from the slightly larger man.
“I have a shift I need to start getting ready for.” Is the deep rumble that floats through the room.
Disappointment feels Duncan as he tries not to show the irrational feeling of hurt at the dismissal. Before he has a chance to push himself up to gather his clothes to leave, Aaron flexes his arms, tightening his hold a bit to get his attention.
“Can I have your number? We could try meeting up for lunch or a coffee?”
Duncan can’t help the smile that bursts and stretches across his face. He doesn’t think he has ever been that excited to be asked for his contact information before. Hoping he’s not reading too much into the situation, Duncan revels in the warm and hopeful look staring back at him. Not giving himself time to start overthinking everything, Duncan pushes himself across the scant inches separating them to press a kiss on Aaron’s slightly parted lips. The tension leaves his body as his eyes drop close in relief when Duncan feels the returning pressure of being kissed back.
The thick fingers that had been gently carding through his hair tightened, Aaron used the grip to deepen the kiss a bit as he tilted his head. Heavy metal music blasts through the room for Aaron’s alarm causing the two men to jump apart. They sat staring at each other, panting the only sound as Aaron smacked at the night stand without looking away to silence the sound. Duncan dips forward for another quick kiss, just as he succeeds in turning off the noise making a triumphant sound as he does.
The rumble of the sound causes Duncan to pull away as he snorts before the two men break out into amusement. Glancing back at the other man, he can’t help himself, but go in for one more kiss. Aaron is smiling as they connect, clearly pleased with the situation. With a hum of contentment, Aaron draws the other man further into his hold until Duncan is sprawled across his powerful body, arms coming up to curl around broad shoulders.
Tangled together as they shared light kisses and curious brushes of hands, the two men were completely lost in each other. Jolting slightly, at the louder blare of the snooze alarm, Aaron drops his head back completely onto the bed with a groan. Duncan closes the few inches but kisses down his jaw before burying his mouth into the delectable looking collarbone.
Aaron lays there a moment, shifting to give the blond-haired man a little bit more room, before pulling him back up to place one last kiss on his kiss-swollen mouth.
“I do actually have to get up.” It mumbled as their mouths were still touching.
Neither man moved as one kiss turned into two and so on. Duncan eventually pulls back with obvious reluctance to start moving off the very tempting body. Finally getting into a seated position without physical contact, he glanced around for any of his clothing.
Luckily his boxer briefs were just beside the bed on the floor. Leaning down, he quickly slipped them over his feet, glancing back at Aaron who was still stretched out on the bed, he smiled as he caught him staring. “I guess I should probably head out then…especially if you don’t want to be late.” Aaron’s dark, rich eyes meet his and the intense look causes an intense rush. Duncan can feel himself flush as he starts to feel almost bashful.