Page 21 of Ride With Me

I stare down at the floor and back at him, my words caught in my throat.

“That’s what I thought.” He pats my shoulder, only one side of his lips tilting. “Take off everything. Underwear too.”

My heart jumps into my throat and I take a step back. “Is that necessary?”

“It is if we want to make sure you’re fully healthy everywhere. You’re the one who booked this appointment, remember? Said it’s important for that new job you’re starting? You won’t be able to start until everything on their list is checked off.”

“Oh. Yeah, okay,” I say, playing along.

“Terrific. See you in a bit then.”

I can feel my heart pounding in my ears as I strip my clothes to the floor. This is all part of it. I said I’d be a good patient, and this is all part of it. One week. It’s an exam, that’s all. A physical. How the hell am I supposed to know what they do when I can’t remember the last time I stepped into a doctor’s office of any kind. Luckily, I never got sick enough to need to. Only a few colds and a stomach virus or food poisoning. I wasn’t going toa hospital unless I was on the brink of death so maybe it’s good that we have this arrangement.

My lower back has been hurting when I sit down too long, and my stomach cramps up with certain foods. Should I tell him that? I feel like I have to. He’s my doctor and I need to be honest if I want… Wait, what am I saying? Have I confused fantasy with reality? Fantasy me doesn’t have to worry about bills or being locked up. There are no boyfriend issues or backstabbing friends in this office.

A knock at the door has me dropping the gown on the floor. “Okay for me to come in?”

“Not yet. Sorry, I’m moving a little slower than usual. I guess I’m still a little weak from yesterday.”

“Do you need help undressing?”

“I… Maybe.” Do I? My hands shake as I pick up the gown, head a little light when I rise back up too quickly. My body is a better actor than I am, going right into helpless mode, and my brain slowly catches up because it’s easier when all of me is on the same page. I have to do this no matter what, so why not use it to my advantage and allow someone to do the heavy lifting for a while.

“I have to hear a yes or no, Mr. Banks.”


“Yes what?” He says, pressing on the door.

“Yes, please. Will you please help me, doctor?” The words come out easier than expected, almost as if my mouth has been holding them back for a long time.

“I’ll be right in then.” Entering the room, he pulls a pair of gloves from the white coat he didn’t have on before. It looks good on him. Why wouldn’t it? Everything else has. I’d hate to see what I look like right now. One good thing about this room is that it has zero mirrors.

Blue rubber stretches over his fingers, smacking his skin, and he closes in on me. He takes the gown from my hands, shoving it in one of his large pockets. “Have a seat again. You’ll feel better once you do. You really shouldn’t be on your feet too much for the next few days.”

Without arguing, I sit down. I would have argued if anyone else had told me what they thought I needed before this. He’s my doctor though. It’s different. Everyone should listen to the person in charge of their health.

Back on the table, I’m steadier, and my feet don’t ache as much. My muscles haven’t stopped screaming at me since yesterday, and the soreness only increased when I woke up, but I blocked most of it out when we reached the house. My nerves took precedence earlier, and my only focus was how my first appointment would go. As Sam slowly peels off each piece of my clothing, sparks dance along the skin his soft fingers come in contact with. He keeps going until he reaches my underwear, pausing with his fingers on the waistband. “Still good?”

I nod and he smiles, peeling back the elastic. Lowering himself to the ground, his warm breaths sweep over the thin cotton. I shudder. With his mouth mere inches away from my growing erection, he says, “You able to lift your hips for me?”

Another nod. I try to pull my gaze away so I can stop enjoying the sight of him where he is, but it’s as if I’ve been hypnotized. My cock too, which is unable to stop jolting in his direction. It might subconsciously end up chasing those juicy lips if his mouth comes closer. Yeah, it’s been a long time since I’ve had any action, and it shows.

I hope I won’t have all these horny thoughts during all my checkups, unless part of his game is to have me aroused. He didn’t say he wanted sex. He also never said he didn’t. I don’t know what I want either. Yesterday, it was to free myself from here and get back to my life, but everything outside this roomsounds less appealing than the way he is here on his knees in front of me.

I lift each side of my hips, one at a time, and he slides the underwear down my legs, his face remaining where it is, breaths growing heavier over my groin. Smiling up at me, he yanks my underwear off over my feet and stands back up. “Go ahead and lie back down.”

Looking down between my legs, my cheeks heat in embarrassment at how stiff I am, my tip red and one touch away from leaking.

“It’s okay. That reaction is perfectly natural. A sign you’re healthy down there. We’ll make sure though. Looks can sometimes be deceiving.”

My cock twitches and I slowly push myself back on the crackling paper, lying down. “You’re fine where you are, but I need your bottom close to the edge.”

My throat thickening, I shuffle down a little, cool air feathering over my skin and my body pleading for more of his warm breaths to stop the shivering. Or is it for another reason?

Shoving my underwear in his pocket, he reaches between my legs and pulls out stirrups. Each of my feet is guided to where he needs it to be, my legs forced further apart. Sam lifts my feet higher and tugs on my hips until my ass is hanging halfway off the table.

“Perfect.” He exits the room and comes back with a rolling stool, placing himself between my legs. Lifting my head, I notice a head lamp on his head, and he turns it on as a warm, gloved finger rubs my inner thigh. “Relax for me. Since you’ve never been to the doctor, I’m going to assume you’ve never had a prostate exam?”