“And what’s that?”
Grinning, Keely raised an eyebrow at him and sassily replied, “You told me to put my seatbelt on.”
Taz eyed him again, eyes narrowing as he shook his head, a slow, shit eating grin crossing his face as he removed the bottle from the center consol and tossed it over his shoulder into the backseat so he could flip the consol up and out of the way. “Seems like I need to amend that instruction, doesn’t it?”
“If you want me over there it does.”
“Oh, I want,” Taz growled. “Fine, you’re free to have it off as long as some part of your body is touching mine.”
“I can work with that,” Keely muttered, immediately reaching for the restraint and taking it off.
He made short work of removing his boots and wiggling free of his jeans and underwear, deliberately keeping his cock obscured so Taz couldn’t see it until he’d straightened up fully.
“Fuck me, you’re pierced!” Taz groaned the moment he saw the apadravya piecing, and the curved barbell Keely wore in the head of his erect cock. “Holy shit!”
Chuckling, Keely twisted so that he kneeled on the seat, putting the piecing on display. For the second time, the truck bounced on the shoulder, forcing Taz to look away from him to correct their path and bring the vehicle back under control again. The danger wasn’t lost on Keely, who fed off the edge of adrenaline and hint of fear surging through his body.
“Now that, I don’t think I can manage while we’re moving,” Keely declared. “But I’d be happy to take you in the backseat later if you really want to know what it feels like.”
For a moment, Keely was afraid he’d gone too far. In his experience, guys like Taz were fine with fucking him six ways to Sunday but had little interest in taking it up the ass.
“You keep talking like that and I promise you this little road trip of ours will never reach nowhere or wherever, I’ll make damn certain of it.”
“Sounds like you’re threatening to keep me,” Keely replied as he crawled close enough that Taz could brush a hand down his abs and finger the piercing in his cock.
Holy hell.
The man knew how to explore the piercing without being rough about it, every caress fanning the flames of desire Keely already felt. When Keely had gotten it, he hadn’t just done so for his pleasure, but after several days of being on the receiving end of a cock that had a magic cross piercing, he’d wanted to share the joy. Those four little balls at the ends had teased in ways nothing ever had, but he’d been told he needed to wait on the ampallang piercing until the other heeled, and so far, he hadn’t met up with anyone he was willing to let do it. Was a good thing he knew how to get back to the shop and the piercer who’d brought him many hours of pleasure and left him with a gift that Taz was clearly fascinated with.
That was okay, there were plenty of miles ahead, so he held still and let Taz fondle, the man’s eyes darting between him and the road every few seconds while Keely drank the attention in and moaned as Taz rubbed his thumb over it.
“I know that had to hurt,” Taz murmured. “Not sure I could sit still for someone to shove a needle through my cock.”
“You could if you wanted it bad enough,” Keely murmured. “Desire makes things possible that we wouldn’t dream ourselves capable of.”
“And what made you desire that?”
“Oh, what I wanted was two of them. The one I have and one crossing in the other direction,” Keely explained. “And I’ll have it too, once I get back to the person who did the first piercing for me. I might be a bit impulsive about some things, but it takes a measure of trust before I’ll let someone come at me with a needle.”
“And how long does it take to establish that kind of trust?”
“About nine days, in his case,” Keely responded a bit sheepishly, “but it was a seriously intense nine days.”
The bark of laughter Taz let out was unexpected, as was the way he shook his head at him.
“Nine days and you’ll let someone shove a needle through your cock,” Taz said, the disbelief evident in his voice. “I’d be curious to see what was on the table after seventeen.”
“That’s when shit gets truly interesting,” Keely promised. “But it would ruin the fun if I tried to tell you about it.”
“I suppose it would,” Taz replied. “Guess we’ll just have to see how long the road keeps us together then, because now you’ve got me curious. I haven’t been this interested in someone’s company in…well damn, I don’t think I’ve ever been as interested in anyone.”
“I can work with that,” Keely declared, preening before he finally took the opportunity to glide his hand over the bulge in Taz’s jeans and holy hell was the man packing. “And I can definitely work withthis.”
Taz hissed as Keely gave him a little squeeze, then worked to maneuver himself into the best position possible for what he planned to treat the man to. It took a little squirming to find a comfortable position and a little more to slip his headunder Taz’s arm without bumping it and causing him to swerve. Resting it on the man’s thigh left his ass in the air and his knees tucked under him, a position he was flexible enough to hold for a good length of time.
“And a tramp stamp?” Taz rumbled. “Please tell me the universe isn’t playing a cruel trick on me and I’m not really in a ditch, unconscious and dreaming that this is happening.”