Page 167 of Ride With Me





Rainfall hitsmy already-drenched clothes and I grab onto the jacket, closing it tighter against me. My body shivers from the cold night chill and I take a deep breath before quickly lifting my head. Fuck. I'm still so far away from civilization. I kick the ground in front of me, pissed that I'm having to deal with being in this situation.

Tonight is not going according to plan. First, my asshole of a roommate decides to kick me out, saying his boyfriend was jealous of another guy living there. He didn't even give me the time to find a new place. His boy-toy had all my shit packed up and waiting for me by the door this morning.

Then, after packing all my stuff into my tiny car, I go to Ocean only for it to be a slow night, which means very little in tips. Finally, I get done with my shift, hop into my car, start driving to a motel, and wind up with a flat tire. In the middle of nowhere. On a deserted road. And if that wasn't bad enough, my phone is dead, so I have no way of contacting anyone.

A gust of wind hurls a ton of rain in my direction and I stop, shielding my face from the onslaught. Closing my eyes, I gather my strength, trying not to cry. But hell, why is my life so hard?It's always one thing after another happening to me. Something is always tearing me down and trying to keep me there.

I stomp my foot into a puddle and lift my head high. "I am Liam Walker. I can get through anything," I whisper in the dead of night as I keep walking down the dark road. Headlights sparkle off the wet ground in front of me before a car zooms past. That's the fourth car that's passed me, and not one of them has stopped, let alone slowed down.

I walk a few more minutes before the glare of more headlights shines on the ground. The moon is out, but it's such a small sliver that it barely luminates anything. The car comes to a stop a few feet in front of me and I stop in my tracks. Oh, no. Wringing my hands in front of me, I debate what to do.

The driver's side door opens, and a man steps out, but from the dark sky and the rain, it's hard to make out who it is.

"Liam?" The gruff voice booms in the quiet night.

Oh my gods, how does he know my name? Turning my head left and right, I look around to see if there's anywhere I can run to, but there's not. My hands grip the small duffle bag I’m holding, knowing it’s all I have on me right now and if he takes it, I’ll be left with no money.

The man steps closer, and I take a cautious step back. I know I wanted someone to come and save me, but now that a person is actually here, I’m scared. A shiver runs through my body and I close my eyes, remembering that I'm barely dressed. I'm wearing my oversized black jacket, but all I have on underneath is the pair of booty shorts and crop top I tossed on after my shift. Feeling even more vulnerable, I tug my jacket as closed as it will get, hoping the stranger doesn't see. Why did my car have to break down in the middle of the night?

"Liam, are you okay?" His voice hits my ears again and I look up.

"How do you know my name?" I stutter, my mouth chattering from the cold.

"Come on, I'll give you a ride."

I don't say anything, still debating what I should do. Of course, I know not to get into the cars with strangers. That’s something everyone learns while growing up. But also, I'm freezing and sure I still have miles left before I come across an open business.

My feet stay stuck to the pavement, not moving an inch. The man sighs before walking back to his truck and coming back with his phone light on. Shining the phone in his face, I lean closer, realizing I recognize him.

"I was at Ocean tonight," he tells me, the phone still shining on his face. "I’m there a lot, actually. I sit up in the front row or sometimes I get a booth in the back."

Oh, yes. I remember him now. I inch closer, his body soaked from the rain as well. He comes to the club a few nights every week, always sitting down and dominating the area around him. The dancers fall all over themselves for the chance to dance for him. I've never seen him leave with the same person, though. There was always someone new on his arm.

"How do you know my name? I don't use my name at the club."

"I own the club. I know everyone there. I know your stage name is ‘Princess,’ but your legal name is Liam. You've been working for me for almost a year. Now come on, I'm tired of standing out here in the rain. Can we at least talk in the truck? You can decide whether or not you want a ride, then?"

He turns around and storms off toward his truck, sliding into the driver's seat. I probably shouldn't get in the car, but I'm tired, hungry, and want to get the hell out of the rain. Walking to his car, I open the door to the passenger side and slide inside,tossing my small duffle onto the ground. Looking around me, I grimace when I see I've soaked the seats.

"I'm so sorry," I say sheepishly, my eyes darting from my wet clothes to the leather seats.

"No worries. I can get it cleaned. Now tell me, why are you walking in the middle of nowhere at night?"

"Um." I'm not sure how much to tell him. I don't know this person. Sure, I've seen him here and there at the club. And yes, he is sexy as fuck with his dark black hair striped throughout with gray. I glance down his body seeing he's wearing black slacks and a black button-up shirt that are also drenched. "My car broke down, so I decided to walk to the nearest gas station."

"That wasn't very smart, was it?" he chides gruffly and I sit up straight, shaking my head.

"No," I whisper, squirming in my seat, becoming aroused at his scolding.

"It's not safe out there for pretty boys such as yourself. Someone could have taken advantage of you," he murmurs. My eyes fly up to his and widen when I see him leaning over the console, so close to me.