“Get him to bring some food and bottles of water or something and get this done. Ryan?”
While I was daydreaming, Rene went behind the door so when Bear came through, he could slide out behind him.
“Ryan, pull your head out…”
I called out to Flint. “Flint. Could you please bring something to eat? Maybe some bottled water would be nice too? Coffee, if it’s not too much trouble?”
“Why not ask for tea and cakes while you’re at it?” Rene whispered loudly. I stuck my tongue out at him and stood at the bottom of the stairs.
“Flint? Please. It’s been days since I’ve eaten anything. You can even tie me up and feed me if it would make you feel more comfortable.” Just where the hell had that come from? I’d never had that thought before, let alone suggested it.
“Tie you up? OMG what have you been reading or fantasizing about? Scratch that, no information needed.” But I was trying hard not to laugh, to the point tears were streaming from one eye.
“Just get ready to either leave or jump him. You swing both ways and I do not want details on positions.” Or maybe I did, for a man anyway.
I heard Ryan call,but I was a little unhappy about him leaving me. We had shared, and to me that meant something. How could he have left me after telling me secrets, unless he lied. It had been days since he had eaten, but no fault of mine. I took care of him and met his need to get better.
We would need to work on trust, on both sides, but I thought there was hope for us. However long it took.
“Yeah, I hear you. I’ll bring something down.” I sounded mad and I disliked that feeling. Being a Bear was more than being a hairy gay man. I was, am a teddy bear, cuddly, warm and horny. Well, I didn’t know if teddy bears were horny, but here I was.
I sliced cheese, fruit, made sandwiches and a carafe of coffee. I placed things on a tray with two cups. I also grabbed the bag of licorice shoestrings and sour candy. Ryan did say something about tying him up. My mind was reeling with the things we could do to each other and share.
“Get away from the door so I can carry the tray down.” I hollered through the door. I didn’t think he would try to get away again, but it was a coin toss at this point.
“I’m on the sofa.”
Rene held up a finger and tiptoed quickly down the stairs. Apparently he had something else in mind. Fine. Just don’t hurt Flint. The door swung open with a thud and Rene took a dive behind the bar in the dark corner. It was a good thing that he moved from behind the door. I hit the floor lamp to distract Flint.
My stomach growled when I saw all the food. I needed to eat carefully so my stomach didn’t get upset after not eating for so many days. Flint poured coffee. I was pleased to see he poured both cups, which meant he was going to stay with me. The coffee smelled of pure heaven.
Flint offered food and I started eating slowly, with him watching me eat. I never knew eating food could be so sensual. Books talked about it as well as movies, but who believed the movies? With books, I could draw out the scene in my mind to my satisfaction.
Flint was definitely having an effect on me, for the better.
I liked to watch Ryan eat, nibbling like a little mouse on pieces. I should have made food available for him sooner. When he picked up his coffee cup and inhaled its aroma, the look of pure pleasure on his face warmed my heart, along with the rest of me.
“How’s your coffee? Need cream or sugar? I have oat milk that’s fantastic in good coffee.”
I shook my head no.I almost always drank my coffee black. But my mind wasn’t on the coffee. It was on Rene trying to sneak from behind the bar. There was no telling what he would do to Flint. Rene was mad with the bruises appearing from who he called Bear, tossing him down the stairs. Whatever he was going to do had better be soon. I wanted to explore getting to know Flint.
I was torn between my loyalty to my brother, us wanting out of the basement, and to Flint. It was all very confusing.
“Look, Flint-…” I started the conversation, but the loud DING startled me. Flint had a moment of confusion on his face, then he slumped forward.
Rene looked too pleased with himself, standing there with his hands on hips like Wonder Woman. The only exception was, he had a cast iron skillet in one hand. Where in the living hell did he find a cast iron skillet? How badly was Flint hurt?