Fuck, his voice was so soft.
“Okay, Benji, listen. You need to realize that it’s not safe to just climb into the cab of whatever truck door is open.”
“I know that, but?—”
“No, listen to me. I could have killed you. You get that, right?” Maybe I was being too harsh, but a part of me already felt oddly protective of him,wantedto make sure he understood that he could have really fucked himself over if he’d landed in anyone’s truck but mine.
With him looking so soft and sweet, a small part of me knew that I didn’twanthim in anyone’s truck but mine.
“What’syourname?” he asked, like I hadn’t just said what I’d said at all.
“Warren.” It sounded good rolling off his tongue, and a small part of me wanted to shift forward to see if he’d try to pull away.
Impulse control—I needed to have a little bit of impulse control.
“Is there someone you can call to come pick you up?” I had to force the question out, and he quickly shook his head.
“No. I don’t have anyone. I don’t have anywhere to go. I…”
“Come on, Benji. You can’t get into a stranger’s truck, tell them no one is looking for you, and hope that you’resomehowsafe. You’re pretty much asking to be kidnapped.”
“What if I am?” He arched a brow defiantly, and the expression on his face shot straight through me.
Which was the only reason I sat back on my heels and put as much space between us as I could. “Then I’d say you’re a fucking idiot, Benji. Or you have a death wish.”
His mouth turned down into a frown. “Do you want me to get out?”
“Yeah, Benji. You should probably go inside and figure out what you’re going to do. I don’t think I can help you.”
Not with how pretty he looked—not with the nearly tangible way I wanted to reach out and touch him for some reason. Maybe it was because he was so vulnerable.
“Fine.” He shoved to his knees and climbed past me to the door of my truck, throwing me a look over his shoulder. “Sorry I bothered you, Warren.”
He slammed the door on his way out like we were two people who actually knew each other, and this was a normal fight.
But we weren’t. We were strangers, and he’d stowed away in the back of my truck, then asked me to help him… and I…
I stared after him as he ducked into the diner.
I needed to get up, get back into my seat, and drive away—I could stop at the next gas station or convenience store and get myself a drink.
But there was something about his retreating figure, and the way I could still feel the impression of his small body beneath mine that didn’tcareabout what I needed to do. My skin was still tingling where I’d touched him, where my fingers had been wrapped around his throat. I’d held his life in the palm of my hand, had felt the way his pulse pounded against my digits… And for just a second, it made something in me light up.
Made something in me feelalive.
Damn it, maybe he reallywasin danger being in my truck after all.
My eyes drifted to the left and caught sight of his black backpack. He’d probably left it by accident…