Page 62 of Ride With Me

“The fuck?” Blue wheezed.

“Also, that was mighty rude of you, messin’ up my beer. I only got one left now.”

“Thefuck?” Blue lurched upward, trying to clamp his teeth around Bishop’s nose.

“Damn! You’re like a lil’ snappin’ turtle!” Bishop laughed. “Settle on down now, all right? I ain’t gonna hurt ya.”

“What the fuck do you want?” Blue demanded.

“I been tryin’ to tell ya, you squirmy worm.” Bishop rolled his eyes. “The second part of how’s I knew what you were. It won’t just the blood. You see, it takes one to know one, kiddo.” He wagged his brows expectantly. “Ya feel me?”

“What?” Blue struggled briefly and then stopped. “Are you saying…?” He scoffed. “No way.”

“Don’t you ’member how I made that funny lil’ joke about how crazy the chances were of two serial killers bein’ in the same car? You see, it might not be as crazy as you think ’cause well…” Bishop winked. “Here we are.”

“You? Fuckin’ seriously?”

“Yessir, buddy.” Bishop beamed. “We’re like two little murder peas in a murder pod! Ain’t that somethin’?”

“It’s… something.”

Blue was wet, naked, and currently pinned in bed by a very handsome man claiming to be a fellow murderer.

This was not how he had expected his evening to go.

Not at all.

“So.” Blue licked his lips slowly and then took a deep breath. “Are you going to let me up or what?”

Bishop hummed and cocked his head, eyeing Blue. “You know, I ain’t rightly decided just yet.”

“Why not?”

“Well, seein’ as how you did just try to murder me a lil’ bit, I’m not sure if I can trust you yet.” Bishop turned his head to rub his nose on his shoulder. “I’d sure hate to have to try and murder you back, y’know. Be a damn shame to kill ya.”

“Would it?”

“Yeah!” Bishop actually looked offended. “Because I would surely murder you better and then we wouldn’t be able to have any damn fun! Come on now.”

“Fun?” Blue echoed.

“Well, yeah. I ain’t never hunted with nobody else ’fore. Kinda always been a solo thing, ya know? And you’re good, real slick, but you could still stand to learn a thing or two.”

“Lemme guess. You want to teach me?”

“Why not?” Bishop grinned. “You could be my murder pea padawan, good buddy.”

Blue made a face.

That sounded awful.

Not to mention insulting.

Blue didn’t need help. He was doing just fine on his own. He might still be able to get out of this if he played his cards right. He still wasn’t sure if he believed Bishop was actually a serial killer too, and this could be some sort of trap.

Maybe Bishop was a cop just playing pretend and trying to get a confession out of him.

Whatever he was, Bishop was a man at least, and Blue knew how to handle them.