Page 22 of Ride With Me

My hole clenches. “No.”

“You’re pretty young and would only need one soon depending on your family history. Any cancer or prostate issue you’re aware of?”

“I…uh…” I swallow hard. “I don’t know my biological family. Grew up in foster care.”

“I see.” He rubs my inner thighs again. “So, there’s no way to know for certain if you’re at risk or not. I’d feel better if we checked you now just to be safe. How old are you?”

“Twenty-seven.” I clench up again when his fingertips graze over my ass cheeks, spreading them apart.

He hums, and it’s like the sounds are vibrating from his fingers and through me. “The risks are low at that age but also aren’t zero. If you agree, I’ll continue with the preparations.”

Not certain I have a choice, I pretend I don’t and nod, fear creeping back into my chest. My heart is a chaotic mess, and I only usually get to feel this way for a short time when I’m robbing someone. But now, I can have it whenever I want, every time I go back to questioning his genuineness. It’s a different kind of control. He’ll be good again when I’m ready to view him that way.

“I have to hear you say it, Mr. Banks,” he says sternly before pressing his lips tightly together.

“Yes. Please continue.”

A smile creeps back onto his face, and he opens a cap, squirting what appears to be lube onto the latex. Brows bunched together, he lowers his face, pressing a finger to my hole. I suppress a moan at the circling of his fingers. “It’ll hurt less if you relax.”

A few deep breaths later, I relax on the table, and he wets my entrance with more lube before probing me again. “Are you a virgin, Mr. Banks?”

“No. I’ve been with one partner.”

“Anal sex?”

“Yes. Receiving end.”

He releases a long breath. “When was the last time?”

“Six months. My boyfriend and I have been experiencing problems for a while.”

“In bed?” Gently breaching my hole, he slowly enters me, twisting on his way inside.

“Yeah,” I say, voice hoarse. My walls squeeze around the intrusion, his twisting and darting motions easing the discomfort. I haven’t had anything inside me in a while and pleasure ripples as he hits my sweet spot. Pressing his finger harder, the stimulation grows unbearable, and my cock’s a dripping mess. Trapped between pleasure and the pain of holding back, my whole body shakes. When he applies pressure to my taint, I lose all control, coming so hard I swear the light above turns into spinning stars.

My sounds are mixtures of moaning and laughter. I lift my hands to my face when I realize what I’ve done, my entire body going rigid. “Fuck. I’m sorry.”

His finger slips from my ass and he chuckles, tugging off his gloves. “That’s okay. There’s no need to be embarrassed. It happens more often than you think. There are many benefits to stimulating the prostate.” Shutting off the light, he gets to his feet. “You can scoot up now but please remain on the table.”

I press the heels of my feet into the table and push myself back. Cum covers my stomach and Sam uses wipes to clean me up, spending extra time around my pubic region. “Thanks,” I choke out.

“No problem. I’ll be moving on to a breast exam shortly. Want a blanket?”

My teeth chatter and I nod. “That would be great.”

Pursing his lips together he tosses the trash and grabs a blanket from a drawer underneath the table. “Here ya go. I’mgoing to wash my hands and change my gloves, so you’ll have a small break.”

“Great,” I say in between nervous chuckles. Are we having dinner at the same table again? If so, hopefully this won’t be the topic of the night. How well I did during the exam when he made me come with his very enthusiastic finger. Fuck, it felt good though, and I can’t stop wondering how many more physicals I’ll need while I’m here. Maybe as many as I make him believe are needed.

My body’s on high alert when he returns minutes later, and I lift the blanket higher as if now’s the time to be modest. This man has seen all of me in my naked glory and has touched the inside of my ass. My sudden shyness is laughable and his eyes wrinkle in humor, letting me know he feels the same fucking way.

“Doing okay still?”


“How do you feel?” He rubs between my pecs with a fresh set of gloves, the latex soft and not gliding as easily as his bare fingers do.

“Tired and hungry. Sore everywhere.”