Page 22 of Conflict



I’ve been so stupid. My guts are churning, I should have known better, I should have cancelled movie night. Having this conversation was inevitable but my planning could have been so much better. Now I realise that hope is an evil bitch, who has led me down this godforsaken path. With every fibre of my being, I’d hoped that Scarlett would understand. That she’d see my thought process was right and we could rejoin this path in a few months. But no, I’ve hurt her beyond compare. Not only have I lost Tom, but I’ve lost the only true friend I had left.

Those intimate words, ‘Fuck me’, still hang heavy in the air around me. I can see her face in my mind’s eye, she looked horrified when I turned her down. That image will haunt me forever. I should have taken things at a much slower pace. Kissing her was my first mistake, but the way her tongue flicked across my lips to dance with mine drove me on. It had been exactly the wrong thing to do, if I’d stopped that first kiss maybe she’d still be here now. Instead, she’s driving home alone. Not only alone, but devastated because I’ve rejected her. “Fuck!” I scream out as my fist slams against the countertop. I can’t be the man she deserves. That man left the day Tom’s truck blew up in front of me. I pull one of the kitchen chairs out and slump intoit, allowing my head to fall and rest upon my folded arms. What have I done? Sitting there in the dark, the silence surrounds me and it feels complete. That’s when the tears begin to fall.

The soft click of the light switch disturbs my despair, and I rub my face along my forearm before I lift my head to see my mum standing in the doorway. “Can I come in?” she asks softly. I can only nod in response; my vocal cords seem to have left the building with Scarlett. Mum moves quietly across the room and flicks the switch on the kettle. She busies herself preparing two cups with teabags and milk while she waits for it to boil, all while allowing the silence to remain. Once the tea making is complete, Mum moves to sit next me, placing a cup in front of me. My hands go to cradle the cup, enjoying the sting the heat creates in my palms. I deserve to feel the pain from the too hot ceramic. “I overheard most of the conversation, but do you want to talk about it?” Mum asks gently.

Normally, I’d say no and walk away. I’m not the world’s greatest conversationalist but these damn therapy sessions seem to have flicked a switch in me. “Scarlett hates me,” the words sting more when I say them out loud. “I’ve been so stupid. I never should’ve let things start up with us.” My breath stutters in my throat as I speak. “I’ve betrayed Tom and his parents. They’ll never forgive me for hurting Scarlett like this.”

Mum reaches across the short distance and rests her hand on my arm. She takes a sip of her tea, “Was it your decision or hers?” Mum turns in her seat to face me. “I suppose it doesn’t really matter who called it, but I’m sure she doesn’t hate you. I don’t think Scarlett is capable of hating anyone, and as for you,” she runs her hand up my arm, rubbing my bicep. “You wouldn’t hurt anyone, intentionally. Jack and Julia know that. Maybe you both just need some time,” the sympathetic look on her face almost breaks me and I shake my head.

“We’ve gone beyond needing time, and for the record, she does hate me. She’s gone home in tears. Those tears are because of me, because I told her we can’t be together. Not in the sense she want’s, anyway.” I’ve abandoned the tea now in favour of cradling my head in my hands. “I’m not who she needs right now. My life isn’t stable; I’m not stable. How did I think I could take care of Scarlett when I can’t take care of myself? What the hell was I thinking?”

“Do you think that maybe you’ve overreacted a little? I mean, is this really what you want? I think you and Scarlett are perfect together but I understand why you might not think this is the right time.” I look at my mother with utter contempt at her lack of understanding of the situation. “Don’t look at me like that, Jamie. I’m just trying to find out what’s going on in that head of yours. I thought these therapy sessions were supposed to help you see things more clearly.”

I almost growl my response. “I’m overreacting? Really? I’m trying to be realistic, for Christ’s sake. How can I be the man she needs me to be when all I want to do is drink myself into oblivion most days? The therapy sessions are making me see things more clearly, they’ve made me realise that I’m not who everyone thinks I am,” I know my mother is upset at my outburst, I’ve never really raised my voice at her before but I cannot get a handle on my emotions now. Everything feels too big. “I’m not going back to the army. I don’t have a job lined up because it could take months for my discharge to come through fully. I’m not exactly catch of the century now, am I?” The chair legs make a horrible scraping noise as I push back from the table. Mum physically jumps at the noise and I feel like shit again. “I thought she’d see my side, I thought she’d agree that it was all too soon and we need time to deal with all this shit, but no. Scarlett thinks I don’t love her, but I do. I love her more than I realised I ever could.” The water sputters as I turn on the tap, coveringme in cold water. I run my hand down my T-shirt to wipe away the water droplets. “I’ve really screwed up this time,” turning the cup upside down, I place it on the draining board and turn to rest my back against the kitchen units. “We can’t work as a couple, but now I’ve lost her as a friend, too. I’m a fucking idiot for letting it get this far.” Before my mother can respond, I’ve made my way out of the kitchen and I’m heading upstairs to my room. Being alone is the only option for me, now and in the future. I hear Mum scurrying to come after me, she’s frightened to leave me alone these days and I only have myself to blame for that. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything stupid. I just want to be alone with my misery.” I slam my bedroom door shut like a petulant teenager. Leaning my back against the door, I allow myself to slide down to the floor. I wrap my arms around my knees and pull them into my chest. Tonight is going to be the first in a long line of lonely days and nights. Mum’s breathing is audible through the closed, wooden door and I hesitate for a moment. The need to make sure she’s okay bears heavy on my shoulders but I don’t have the energy to deal with her emotion as well as my own.

Mum taps lightly on my bedroom door, “I’m going to get into bed, but if you need anything, please come and get me. I just want to help.” I know she won’t sleep a wink tonight and that only adds to my already guilt-ridden state of mind. When I don’t answer, she says “Goodnight, sweetie,” and I hear her slippered footsteps disappear down the landing towards her room.

When my alarm wakes me at just after six the following morning, I realise I never made it into bed, the carpet has left a slight imprint in my cheek from where I fell asleep on the floor, and my back feels like I’ve been in a fight, it’s that stiff and sore. My instincts are to check my phone for a message from Scarlett, but when I see there are none, I’m disappointed but not surprised. My running gear is laid on the chair in thecorner of my room, where I left it yesterday in preparation for today’s run. After several moments of contemplation, I decide a run is exactly what I need to clear my head. Once I’m dressed in the exercise gear, I head down to my mother’s room and peer around the door. I’m relieved to see she’s at least managed to fall asleep despite the worry I caused her. Silently, I pull the door closed and tiptoe down the stairs, avoiding all the creaky ones I mapped out as a child. As I close the front door behind me, I’m assaulted by the late summer, early morning air. It smells crisp and fresh, and I breathe deeply, allowing the cool air to fill my lungs. The garden gate creaks noisily and I cringe as I look up at my mum’s bedroom window. The curtains remain closed and there’s no sign that I’ve woken her up, thankfully. The road is quiet and allows me to make my way across it to the park, where I stretch out my muscles before I embark on a few laps around the only green space we have for miles around.



I’ve tossed and turned all night, replaying every second of the evening over and over again. Still, I’ve come up with nothing. I can’t pinpoint a single second during the night that might have contributed to everything going to rat shit. My alarm rings out and I really don’t want to get out of bed, there has been the sum total of ninety minutes sleep but I know I have to get up and face the day ahead. My phone vibrates on my bedside table and my arm shoots out to grab it, hopeful that it’s a text from Jamie. That thought causes me to pause for a second. Do I want to hear from him? I’m not sure I do, but curiosity gets the better of me and I pick up the phone to unlock the screen. It’s not Jamie, thankfully, but it is Pat and tears spring to my eyes as I read her words.

Morning sweetie, just wanted to say I’m thinking about you and hope you’re okay. You know where I am if you need me x

Rivers of tears run down my cheeks as I re-read the kind words she’s written. She obviously heard everything last night and that pains me on a much deeper level. Grabbing the hem of my pj top, I run it over my eyes to wipe away the moisture. As I’m trying to formulate a reply another text appears from Pat.

I think he’s an idiot by the way x

That makes me smile. He is an idiot but I thought he was my idiot. I tap out a quick response thanking her for being so nice to me and apologising for waking her, all at the same time. Then, I throw the covers back and head for a shower. I need to get to work, there is no way I can miss another day. So, despite feeling like shit, I step under the steaming hot water and allow it to scold my skin. The sting of the water replaces the pain that’s been stabbing at my heart for the last twelve hours, and I’m grateful for the moments of respite. The water from the shower mingles with fresh tears and I grant myself permission to acknowledge the pain and hurt Jamie has caused.

As I stand in front of the mirror all I can see is my mother reflected back at me. The dark circles and lines around my eyes are more prominent than they were yesterday. It’s going to take a lot to make me look presentable this morning. So, I set to work with my make-up, it’s a kind of paint by numbers morning as I try to hide the circles and brighten my skin.

Heading downstairs, I hear my dad in the kitchen singing along to Yesterday Once More by The Carpenters and I make a swift right turn and head for the front door instead of joining him in the kitchen. I can’t deal with that right now. As the door clicks shut behind me, I shudder as the crisp air assaults my senses, and pull my jacket a little tighter around me. It would be a good day to walk to work and clear my head but I’ve left it too late. So, I slip into my car, the engine roars to life and I pull out into the traffic, my heart isn’t in it but maybe the hustle and bustle of work will keep me from dwelling on what might have been and help me resist the urge to march around to see Jamie. Because that is not what either of us needs today. There remains a lot left to say, well for me anyway.

Five minutes into my drive to work and a call from Rachel comes through on my hands-free system. For a brief moment, I contemplate dismissing the call but can’t bring myself to do thatto my best friend. Even though I’m still hurt that she’s moving halfway across the country for work.

“Morning, how was movie night?” Rachel’s voice echoes around my car as I press the button to accept the call. Now there’s a question I wasn’t prepared for. “I really wanted to see that film. Miles Teller is right up my street,” her giggles fill the void within me and make me smile ever so slightly.

“He is that. Not my thing but I get it,” I flick the indicator stalk up and begin to turn down the road that will lead me right to work. It’s a strain to keep my voice light and airy and I huff out a breath as I try to compose myself.

“What’s wrong? I can tell there’s something up. What are you not telling me,” Rachel probes. I guess my efforts were not enough. “Are you alright; is Jamie… okay?” her voice wavers as she speaks. “Oh God, he hasn’t done it again, has he?”

The indicator makes that annoying click, click noise as I find a safe place to pull over. Driving isn’t an option right now; I can’t speak through the huge lump in my throat and my vision is now fogged with unshed tears. My breath stutters in my throat and a strangled sob escapes my lips, “It’s over. He ended it,” my hands grip the steering wheel so tightly that my knuckles are white and my fingernails are digging into the palms of my hands. “He doesn’t think we’re a good idea.”

Rachel sounds breathless as she speaks and I can hear her scrambling around, “Where are you? I’m running to my car now, stay where you are and I’ll come get you.” That’s what best friends do and I don’t doubt she’ll rescue me whenever I need her to, but I have to pull myself together.

With a deep, steadying breath, I manage to respond. “No, you don’t need to. I’m in the carpark at work. I have to go in, I can’t take the day off just because Jamie doesn’t want me,” and that’s the reality hit. Jamie doesn’t want me. The long and short of it is he’s made his decision, doesn’t matter how much anyone tries todress it up, I’m not in his future plans. “Rachel, I’ll call you later. Don’t worry.” I press the button to end the call and pull down the sun visor so I can peer in the mirror. The sight that greets me isn’t pleasant, and I thought I looked rough this morning. After a quick delve through my handbag, I find a bit of concealer and start trying to blend away the red blotches that now mar my skin. Once I’m satisfied, I don’t look like a blotchy mess, I reach for my water bottle and take a well needed drink, the cold water soothes my throat and allows me a moment to gather myself. I startle when there is a knock on my window and I turn to see Delia bent over, peering into my car. Delia is my boss, she’s the nicest woman I’ve ever met, and has offered unending support since Tom died. From turning up in the first few days with meals she’d cooked for us, to decorating the church for the funeral. She’d wanted to make sure the flowers were exactly right, and she’d filled the space with bluebells and purple hyacinths bound together with forget-me-nots and white gypsophila. That’s one of the better memories I have of the day, the scent those flowers emitted on such a horrible morning is something I’ll never forget.

As I step out of my car, Delia wraps me in the tightest embrace and tells me, “Go home, Scarlett.” When I try to protest, she makes shushing noises as she rubs her hands up and down my back soothing me. “Rachel called me, she’s on her way.” Delia holds me at arm’s length before she continues. “You and I both know I can’t argue with her. Your job will be here waiting for you just as soon as you’re ready, please don’t rush yourself. Take as much time as you need, no job is worth risking your health for.” Delia cocks her head to the side and reaches up to tuck my hair behind my ear so she can see properly. “She told me what happened, with Jamie and you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this after everything else you’ve endured.” She produces a tissue and using a corner, she pats dry my cheeks. “Oh Scarlett,why didn’t you just call me?” I’m pulled back into her warm embrace as the floodgates open, once again. You’d think I had no tears left considering the amount I’ve shed over the last few months, but somehow, they just keep coming.

“Rachel shouldn’t have called you, I just need a minute, that’s all.” With a swift shake of my head, I attempt to right my posture and run my fingers through my hair. The less dishevelled I can make myself look, the better. With my bag hiked up on my shoulder I take a breath and blow it back out again. “I want to be at work, wallowing at home isn’t good for me.” There’s a forced smile plastered on my face as I look at Delia, trying to convince her I’m not the wreck I look.