She pulls away, her reddened stare locking onto mine, but they aren’t hazel; they’re red.
It’s not hunger that changes her eyes this time…it’s passion. “I don’t want to pressure you into staying.”
I inch forward, her warm breath caressing my parted lips. “Baby, listen to me. You would have to drag me away from you to get me to leave.” I pause, my forehead falling against hers as I recall everything I said to her in my car. “The night you picked me up from Hale Bar, do you remember what I said?”
She grins, her cheeks flushing that perfect shade of deep red. “I couldn’t forget if I tried. But I didn’t expect…” She trails off, and I recite her words from that night.
“For what? For me to remember?” I grab her chin and jaw with one hand, my lips brushing against hers, my voice rough with intensity. “I remember itall. I meant every word I said to you that night. Every single one. I’m yours, Vivian. For as long as you’ll have me.”
She purses her lips together. “And if I want you for forever?”
Claiming her lips with mine once more, I murmur, “If there’s a way for me to live forever, then I’ll be yours even then.”
Her eyes sparkle, squinting at me like she knows something I don’t. But my guess is there’s a lot that she knows that I have yet to discover about this world.
She smirks, that arrogant gleam in her eyes that I love shining brightly. “Don’t speak too soon, Grey. There are definitely ways to make you immortal.”
“By making me like you?” I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.
Of course it’s crossed my mind, but I don’t even know how it all works.
She nods, “Yes, or you can remain as you are, and still be granted immortality. Then I could drink from you indefinitely and we wouldn’t have to find humans of our own to feed on. There are a bunch of ways to keep you around forever.”
“Tell me about them.” Sliding my hands around her side, I cup her ass and lift her to my waist as she yelps. “But first, we have some business to attend to.”
She giggles as I carry her to the staircase, heading straight for our bedroom.
“You need to feed,” I tell her, slapping her ass as we reach the top of the stairs, palming it in my hand, the sting of the cut pulsing straight to my dick.
As we walk into the bedroom, I can feel the desperation in her stare and the delicate yet intentional touch of her fingers that are trailing down the back of my neck.
She purrs. “Such a thoughtful soulmate.”
I was never one to believe in fate growing up. If some powerful entity or source were guiding my life, then why was my fate to suffer at the hands of others my entire childhood?
I didn’t want to believe it—until now. Until this very moment. Soulmates. Fated love. Meant to be. I never considered that I would experience it. That it existed at all. If I had been asked a month ago if I thought I would one day find mysoulmate, I would have laughed.
But that was before Vivian. It’s like everything in my life is measured by her presence. Before and after her. Everything in my life before I met her was cold, calculated, and colorless.
Since then, she’s taken over every thought in my head and beat of my heart. She changed everything in ways I never could have imagined, and I never want to go back to the way things were before. I meant what I said…I’m hers. Whether she wants me or not, my heart forever hers.
I don’t know if it’s because of the fated vampire and blood connection that we latched onto each other so quickly and deeply or what, but I’m not going to question it.
I’m done analyzing every move I make before I take a step forward. To hell with the thought that we’re moving too fast—that’s the human doubt voicing its unwanted opinion.
All I know is that I love who I am when I’m with her. She makes me feel like I matter, like she sees me in a way no one ever has or will.
When my legs hit the bed, I bend over and lower her down, sucking in a sharp breath. I’m never going to get over how beautiful she is, like every inch of her being was created to be worshiped by me.
Her tongue slides into my mouth before I realize she even moved, and it takes me all but a second to react, kissing her back feverishly.
We become a blur of intense desire and uncontrollable passion. She tears her shirt down the middle, ripping it apart and tossing it to the floor. The rest of her clothes seem to disintegrate from her body seconds later as she moves faster than my eyes can keep up with.
Her hands thread into my hair, my baseball cap falling to join the graveyard of clothes on the ground, quickly followed by my sweats and my shirt. She spins us around, gently pushing at my chest, and I fall back onto the bed, moving myself further back as she drops onto her knees on the mattress.
She crawls to me, swaying her hips back and forth as she moves up my body, my cock pulsing intensely, begging to be set free from the confines of my boxers.
I’m so goddamn hard as her nipples skim my chest and her mouth claims mine. As she pulls away, she smiles, her fangs biting down on her bottom lip, her eyes glowing red.