“Ah,” Briggs said. “I can understand that. Alpha mate Chin’s dragon is absolutely gorgeous.”
I nodded. He truly was. I loved his golden color. I had a gold shimmer to my own scales when I was in my shift, and my wings were gold—something none of my brothers had.
“You know, you’ve never said what color your dragon is, Dimitri,” Briggs said.
I shrugged.
“You didn’t ask.” I picked up the paperclip that was on my desk. Well, I tried. Then tried again. When I realized it was glued to the desk, I looked up at my office mates and glared.Raiden and Briggs both were completely blameless, or they were extremely good at playing innocent.
“Seriously what?” Benjamin asked as he walked into the office. I pointed at the paperclip on the desk. Benjamin chuckled before he sat down. “I have news.”
I glanced at the paperclip, intending to pry it off, but found it gone. When I turned my chair around to face the others, Benjamin gave me a smirk.
“What’s the news?”
“We’re not going to Sicily just yet. Apparently, someone is being sent there to bring Vincent here in order to discuss certain things.”
I shrugged. “What will our assignment be, then?” I asked.
“For now, not much. You could ask to go to one of the more local packs and see about knocking some sense into a wayward alpha, but beyond that, I don’t know that there are any major field assignments to be had.”
I sighed. It had already crossed my mind to wonder if Dedushka had anything to do with the fact that I was never chosen for those assignments. I was more than capable, but like Raiden and Briggs, I didn’t have magical powers as Benjamin and the other warlocks did.
“Something wrong?” Benjamin asked.
I shook my head before turning my chair back around. Perhaps it was time to do as Yéye had suggested. Maybe being an enforcer wasn’t necessarily for me. Especially since I didn’t really get much opportunity to actually…enforce.
Chapter 2
The thumping of the music usually didn’t bother me, and the scent of alcohol and sweaty bodies usually put me in a better mood. But tonight, I wasn’t feeling it. My mind was elsewhere, and wasn’t that just an issue. I had long ago lost Lorenzo. Knowing him, he’d already found someone to spend the night with and had already left.
I downed what was left of my drink before placing it on the bar. I had just turned when I felt a hand on my arm. A quick glance had me looking at glassy eyes, and I wondered just how much she’d had to drink this evening. I wasn’t interested no matter what, and after shaking my head, I rolled my eyes at her attempt at a pout. That simply wasn’t my thing.
I left the club, not worrying about my brother. He was an alpha and could take care of himself. I had a car ordered by the time I made it to the corner of the block, which was still in sight of the club Lorenzo and I had gone to. It showed up moments later, and after I confirmed my address with the driver, I was on my way home.
I fought with myself, wondering if visiting Drew and Flora so soon again would be imposing on my brother and his One. I couldn’t help how I felt, and little Flora was simply too preciousto not spend time with. Of course, I enjoyed spending time with my youngest brother and his One, but I would be lying to myself if I denied the fact that I truly went to spend time with my little niece. I longed for that more than anything. Of course, I was happy for Sebastian and Drew, but I couldn’t help but wonder if I, too, would ever find my forever one.
Taking a chance, I opened the messaging app and clicked on Sebastian’s name.
Me: Hey. I know I was just there a few weeks ago, but I was curious if it would be all right if I came to visit again? If it’s too much, I understand.
I hit Send and waited for Sebastian’s response. I knew he was several hours behind us, but it was possible that he was either busy with work or, more likely, busy with his One or daughter. I would be as well if I had a One to go home to. I grinned when a reply from my brother came swiftly.
Sebastian: Of course you can come visit. Drew absolutely loves you, and anytime someone wants to come dote on our little princess, he’s all for it. That, and he seriously loves you.
I couldn’t help but smile. I was quite fond of Drew as well. Strictly in a brotherly way, of course, but I was beyond thrilled for Sebastian. His little cheetah was quite the spitfire, and when he put our fathers in their place shortly after they had claimed one another, my admiration for the young omega grew immensely.
Me: I would love to come visit. Of course, I will stay elsewhere and wouldn’t dream of intruding upon your and Drew’s privacy. Uncle Rainier has secured a small cabin for us to stay in, just in case you didn’t know. I have no issues staying there and would love to spend some time with Flora this weekend. It has been a rough week at work, and something happy is really what I think I need at the moment.
The car stopped at the same time my phone buzzed in my hand. I glanced up, noticing that we weren’t at my place, and scowled.
“¿Dónde estamos?”
“Esperas aquí. Ya vuelvo.”