“I think you should do what makes you happy. Can I be honest?”

“Of course.”

“I think you should go to school and be with the man you love. When you talk about those two things, your whole being lights up.”

“I wish I could, but I left him, and I doubt that he’ll ever talk to me again.”

“No man worth anything would let you leaving him in a shack while he’s sleeping stop him from being with you. I bet he’s already flying here to tell you it’s not that easy to get rid of him.”

“If he was, I’d beg his forgiveness. I’m just scared that he’s going to get hurt by whoever is doing this to me. I could never forgive myself if Kane got hurt.” I know that I’ve hurt him in a different and possibly more painful way.

I get a text from Zoe, telling me to be on set at six in the morning. I hate early morning calls, but a long day means getting a lot of work done and being that much closer to wrapping the project. I thumbs up the text, so she knows I got it.

“I think I’m going to take a bath and try to relax. Make yourself at home.”

“Okay. I’ll probably just stay in here and do the bodyguard thing.” Liz laughs.

I walk up the stairs to my bedroom. This house seems ridiculously big after being in such close quarters this past week. I miss the simple life with Kane. My bathtub, though, I did miss it. Specially designed by me and the place I spend the most time in my whole house besides my bed.

I take an extra-long bath and don’t bother getting dressed after. There’s no one here to impress. I climb into my bed naked.This bed is another part of my house I’ve always loved, but now it seems too big without Kane’s big body next to mine. I wish he’d laid in these sheets so I could at least smell him as I fall asleep.



By the timeI get to Violet’s house, it’s late and I’m even more irritable than I was at the start of the day. I’ve called Zoe multiple times, and she hasn’t answered. I’m worried that no one is going to let me in, and I’ll have to camp out like the damn paparazzi.

I hit the buzzer and wait for someone to answer.


“I’m Kane Devereux.”

“Congratulations, I’m Sandy.”

“Nice to meet you, Sandy. I’m assuming you’re one of Violet’s new bodyguards. I’m her boyfriend. Can you let me in?”

“I’ll look at the list.”

I stand at the gate for several minutes. I don’t want to push the buzzer again, but I’m starting to think I’ve been forgotten when the door beside the gate opens and a woman that doesn’t look like a typical bodyguard lets me in.


“Yup.” She walks me into the house and points me toward the stairs. “Liz and I agreed that you can just go upstairs, butwe’ll be listening for sounds of distress. Let me say that again. Sounds of distress.”

“I think I get it.” Laughing I start up the stairs but stop. “I’m glad that you have my girl’s back. Will you tell Liz I said the same goes for her?”

“Sure will, and know that just because the big, strong man is here doesn’t mean that we aren’t still on protection detail.”

“I’m not getting in your way. I’m here to win back my love.” I turn and head up the stairs and realize that I don’t know which room is hers. Luckily, I open her bedroom door with my first guess.

I walk in and find her fast asleep under a mountain of blankets. She’s so beautiful it takes my breath away. I want to climb in behind her and sleep next to her, but I don’t want to scare her.

Sitting down on the edge of her bed, I softly say her name, “Violet, gorgeous, wake up.”

She mumbles something and digs her head deeper into her pillows.

“Violet, please wake up for me. Just for a second and then you can go back to bed.” I run my hand along the small sliver of her arm that shows above the blankets.