I need to talk to Zoe about what’s happening between Kane and me, but if she doesn’t approve will I pick my best friend or the man I can see living my life with?



Necking ismy new favorite pastime. Violet was right that just kissing and keeping it to just first base was somehow special. Who knew that going back to the basics could make you appreciate everything more?

“Let’s go get the groceries and head home,” I say. I might have enjoyed staying on first base, but I’m ready to go hit a home run. “Now that I have our list it shouldn’t take me long in the store.”

“I’ll be fine in the car. Just make sure you get the ice cream stuff. I feel like we haven’t had enough dessert this week.” Violet giggles.

“That’s because you’re my dessert, gorgeous.”

I pull into a spot right in front of the store. There aren’t any other cars since it’s almost closing time, and it’s a small store that isn’t busy on most weekdays.

“Do you want to come in? There’s no one here and you can keep your hat pulled down.”

“Do you think it’s safe? I don’t want to do anything that will put you in danger,” she says.

“Me in danger?” I question. “Gorgeous, no one cares about me. You’re the one that matters.”

She leans across the center console and kisses me passionately. “You matter to me, Kane.”

My heart skips a beat at the look in her eyes. I want to tell her I’m in love with her, but I don’t. I can’t until she’s not under this cloud anymore. I want her to be free to either accept or reject my love.

“I’ll come around and get you.”

We get out of the car and walk into the store. The clerk isn’t someone I know so I don’t have to make small talk. They don’t pay any attention to Violet, so they either don’t know who she is or can’t tell with the hat pulled over her eyes.

Up and down the aisles we go, buying way more than we need.

“Do we really need whip cream?” Violet asks, mischievously.

“Yes, ma’am. It’s a necessity,” I answer, then I whisper in her ear, “I told you that you’re my dessert and that’s going to be your topping.”

Violet blushes and then puts an extra can into our cart. “I might want dessert too.”

Good lord, this woman. We need to get home… fast.

A minor battle happens at the checkout over who’s paying. Violet wants to pay for the groceries. She has cash, so I can’t complain about a credit card trail, and she smiles very sweetly to get her way.

“You know that I have lots of money and never spend any of it. I don’t need you to pay for things,” I say as we start to walk out of the grocery store. I expect her to come back with some snappy retort, but she says nothing. I turn to see why and find Violet frozen. A look of fear across her face as the hair stands up on the back of my neck. Fuck, someone is watching us. I need to get her out of here.

“Come on, gorgeous. Let’s go.”

“On the windshield,” she whimpers. “He’s here.”

I look toward the car and underneath the windshield wiper is one of the same envelopes as the other letters, but this one has a difference— across the front, written in blood red is the word, WHORE.

“It’s gonna be okay, gorgeous.” I try to reassure her when I don’t know if it truly is, but we have to get off this street.

I get her in the car and throw the grocery bags into the back. I start driving but don’t head back to the cabin. I drive around town, up and down the mountain, trying to figure out what to do next. I want to kill the bastard for scaring her.

She’s shivering in her seat, despite the heater going full blast.

“I’m going to find somewhere for us to stay tonight and then we’ll come up with a game plan. If he knew where we were in town, he probably knows about the cabin.”

Violet nods.