Page 75 of Royally Drawn

Keir snickered as the priest approached, followed by Edina and Cici.

“Places, everyone!” He called out in English, the only language our little town of Babel understood.

“That means you need to move,” Edina said, angered that I was still talking to Keir.

It occurred to me she thought she had some claim to him. I knew they had some history, but I was amused that she was bothered by me.

I squeezed his hand. “I’ll berightback here.”

I wanted to stoke the flames and get under her skin just for the hell of it.

I stood next to Duncan, who said. “Are you hot as balls right now?”

I cocked my head, confused.

“I’m sweating to death in here. It’s miserably hot. They won’t turn the AC on until tomorrow. To them, it is not warm enough.”

“I’m okay, but I’m not in a suit,” I said. Then, I lowered my voiceto a whisper. “Is Edina always a gigantic bitch, or does she just hate me?”

“Uh, she was trying to get laid, and you totally cockblocked her. So, it’s just you. And the more he fawns over you, the worse it gets.”

I snickered.

“You like stirring the shit, don’t you?”

“A little.”

“Well, I, for one, am happy to cause chaos, so I welcome you to our circus.”

It was nice to feel included. I took Duncan’s arm and waited for the queue. We headed out to the recessional. This was hour three of our very long practice. So, we were supposed to join arms after the Is were dotted and the Ts were crossed.

Slowly, we walked down, following Cecilia and Isak out and pretending to bow to the sitting monarchs. It tookforever.

“Here we go, bowing to our parents. Annoying as hell,” Duncan sighed.

“And bowing to sisters,” I groaned. “Could be worse.”

“Having to bow to a sibling sounds ridiculous. No, thanks!”

Making it back to the back of the cathedral, I watched Edina getting altogether too handsy with Keir. I was less angry and more intrigued. I knew he wanted me—not Edina—and wasn’t threatened by her desperation. It didn’t stop me from walking up and wrapping my arms around him. He draped an arm around my waist and looked down at me.

“You alright?” Keir asked.

“Barely holding on. My poor feet! How are you, Edina?”

She gave me a look that could kill. “I’m fine. I have good feet.”

“I can tell,” I said. “Big, strong, solid feet.”

She was about to say something when Cici and Leah approached.

“We’re headed back to change, then to drink. Who wants to get shit-faced?” Leah asked.

I had a feeling debauchery was on the horizon.

Creeping up the backstairs