Page 54 of Royally Drawn

“Duncan is the heir and an only child—a miracle baby. Auntie Nat didn’t want him hurt. So, he got stuck with ATC. I get to do the fun stuff. And now you can see one of the reasons we struggle to get on properly,” I said.

“He’s jealous?”

“He is, and I don’t blame him. If the roles were reversed, I’d be just as cross.”

“But now he knows—or will know?”

“Yeah,” I sighed. “Fuck my life.”

“And mine.”

“Duncan will not stir the pot.”


I lied to myself. I’d need to beg and plead with Duncan to ensure we weren’t under extra pressure. I would owe him massively, but hopefully, it would be worth it. I looked at Ingrid as she adjusted the hem of her skirt. I thought about what it might be like to get her out of that sundress. And I realised no matter what, it was worth it. We’d have a few hours to shag like teenagers whose parents left town for the day before Duncan came and ruined it all.

In the Act


“So, we’re not worried about him?” I asked, stepping into our cosy, modern home base for the weekend.

“Nah,” Keir answered. “I’ll talk to him. It will get sorted. He might punch me, but I can take him.”

I stared, deer-in-headlights.

“Ingrid, darling, it’s okay,” Keir said, pulling me close. He rested his hands on my hips. “It will be fine. We’re notsouncivil. I planned a relaxing weekend, and I will stick to it. He’ll likely be too busy drinking with mates on post to even bother with me.”

I knew that was probably wishful thinking, but I wanted Keir to kiss me so badly that I didn’t care. Thankfully, he leaned down to do just that. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed me slowly and deeply. The world—the stupid plane, the argument, and Duncan—all faded. I was here with him. We were about to fuck like animals. It would all be worth it.

“Where is the bedroom?” I asked.

“The lady is… direct.”

“Have I ever been otherwise? My mother was Scandinavian.”

“I knew we got along for some reason.” He smacked my bum. “Upstairs and to the left.”

I ventured ahead as Keir toted my bag. The house was lovely and lived in. I could tell it was a retreat rather than a palace. This was solitude and everything you wanted in a country escape. Instead of bright whites and gold, it was decorated with calm shades of cream, brown, and sea green. The furnishings looked nice, but like any other wealthy family lived here.

“There’s a pool?” I asked, peering outside. “In a greenhouse.”

“My uncle’s pool, yeah. Duncan will probably dip out there at an obscene hour out of habit. This is my aunt’s house. We stay here when we’re either in Wales or on post.”

“And it’s okay if we do?”

“Sure,” Keir said. “She doesn’t care. It’s our family house.”

“Keir,” I asked, “are you Queen Natalie’s favourite?”

He feigned surprise. “Yeah, I have been accused as such. Look, for about five years, she was certain Duncan would never happen. He was a happy accident. We have a special bond, and I help out where I can. I am close to my aunt and uncle. Nate and I used to live with them. So, don’t be alarmed.”

“Oh, that’s… sweet.”

Keir set aside the bag and joined me by the balcony’s window. He draped his arms around my shoulders and kissed my neck. I melted as he unwound me once more.

“When you do that, I lose my mind,” I murmured.