Page 48 of Royally Drawn

I gave her arse another swat, then gripped her hips and railed her. She was spent but a good sport. I didn’t last much longer, desperate to cum inside her wet, tight pussy. I came, holding onto her to steady my knees. I didn’t want to leave her. She felt so good. Still, I had to. I couldn’t stay deep in her like this forever.

I pulled away, watching Ingrid roll onto her back. She was flushed, panting, and as she fell, her breasts bounced, rippling until they settled. She was gorgeous. I wanted to burn this image of her into my memory.

“I gotta deal with this,” I gestured about the condom. “But I’m coming back.”

“If the servants find that, will they freak?” Ingrid called after me.

“Nah, I doubt they will bat an eye,” I answered, tossing the annoying thing aside.

Condoms were an occupational hazard. I’d loved to be inside her, nothing coming between us, but that was risky.

Ingrid giggled as I returned. “You just jump when I say how high.”

“Don’t get drunk on power, Ingrid,” I said, pulling her into my arms. “We both wanted the same thing. That is all.”

“I felt dreadful leaving you after the night on the boat. And you… you’ve been such a good boy.”

She brushed my chest hair as I traced my finger up and down her hip.

“I promised to be helpful.”

“Why?” Ingrid looked up at me.

“Because you’re tempting, and I am a weak man.”

She smiled. “I wish we had another night. Many more, in fact.”

I kissed her. “Same. What is your plan for next weekend?”

“I planned a quiet weekend of doing nothing. Half the riders are going to another horse trial. I can’t keep up. I don’t have a second-stringer that could compete at that level. I have a dressage lesson on Friday morning, and after that, nothing.”

I thought about what I was asking.

“I’m going to Wales to do some ceremonial stuff next week. Duncan will be there for part of it. But I have my aunt’s house all weekend if I want it.”

She raised her eyebrows. “You’d risk it?”

“As I said, too close to the sun.”

“If someone finds out, it could be a scandal.”

“No one will find out,” I assured. I ran my fingers through her hair, mesmerised again by its softness.

“And how would I even get to Wales?”

“I’d come to collect you,” I offered. “I’d fly into Marham, see some mates, and return with you. I’d deliver back on Sunday afternoon.”

She smiled cheekily, then looked down as she ran her finger up and down my chest. She was considering it, but I suspected she wanted to torture me a bit. Two could play at that game. I ran my fingers over her nipple, then slowly rolled it between my thumb and forefinger. She shuddered and moaned.

“You don’t want two uninterrupted days of shagging? Of me showering you with praise and giving you as many orgasms as possible?”

Ingrid looked up at me, smiled, and leaned in slowly to kiss me. I felt the warmth of her body against me and longed for more of this. I loved the feeling of her mouth on mine, her tongue slowly pressing into my mouth, and the way she moaned when I traced her hip withmy finger and dipped south. I lived for how she ground her hips into me when I hit just the right spot. I wanted to make her cum again so badly.

So, I did. She hadn’t said yes, but I knew she would. I ran my hand between her legs, finding her still-swollen clit waiting for my fingers. I longed to hear her say my name and cry out before losing all ability to speak. She moaned and clawed at me as if trying to steady herself before she fell back against the bed, looking up at me as I stroked her wet pussy.

“You’ll come to Wales,” I said. “And you’ll cum for me again now, won’t you?”

She nodded her head as if in a trance. I held all the power here. She trusted I’d get her off. I trusted she’d soon scream my name. I slid two fingers inside her in a torturously slow way.